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Val smiled coyly, shrugging. “A girl has to do what a girl has to do. I think April and I are soul mates. We are shoe mates at the very least. The girl already has great taste.”

“You two will be the death of me.”

“We’re certainly going to try.”

We chatted about the helicopter ride while we ate and about the girls’ trip to Val’s lab last week. I didn’t know who’d enjoyed themselves more: Val, or April and Peyton.

“Do you want to dance?” I asked once we’d both cleared our plates.

“I can never say no to you.”

“I’m banking on it.” I led her to the dance floor and slid a hand around her waist as a slow song started to play. I stroked my thumb across her tailbone.

“Carter, that hand is a bit low. I don’t like it.”

I could hear the smile in her voice.

“I’d say you do.”

“I’d say you’re cocky.”

“But you’re into it.”

She sighed. “Yep. What can I say? Tall, handsome, smart, and cocky works for me.”

My heart was pounding insanely fast as I pressed my cheek to hers in an intimate gesture. I could feel the rhythmic thumping in my ears. How much exactly did it work for her? We’d agreed we were exclusive, and everyone knew we were a couple, but I wanted to know if she saw a future for us, if she felt the same way I did.

I knew my life was complicated but also knew I could make Val happy. Not just in bed but outside of it too. I couldn’t believe I was so unsure of myself. This wasn’t like me. I hadn’t doubted myself so much even during the most complicated cases. But I’d never stood before a woman about to lay out my feelings. I’d honestly never thought I would.

“What we have makes me so happy, Val,” I whispered against her cheek. “But I care for you very much, and I don’t want us to see this as just some fun time. You’re on my mind no matter what I do or where I am. I want to share every important moment with you. Usually I’m not big on labels, but I’d like for us to see where this relationship takes us. What do you say?”

I felt her sharp intake of breath, and everything inside me stilled. Our cheeks were still pressed together. Say yes. God, say yes.

The wait seemed like minutes, when in truth, no more than a few seconds could have passed.

“I’d love to.”

I’d never felt so much tension leave my body all at once.


She nodded, pulling back and looking at me with wide, uncertain eyes. “You mean everything you’ve just said, right?”

“Why would I say it if I don’t mean it?”

“Because you think that’s what I’d like to hear.” She tensed in my arms.

“What are you afraid of, Val?”

“Hoping,” she answered in a small voice. “I’ve always been a very optimistic and hopeful person. It’s just that the things I hope or dream about most don’t tend to happen... unless I make them happen. But obviously some things I can’t influence....” She cast her gaze downward. “Let’s just say I’ve tried to give away my heart a few times, but no one wanted it.”

She’d said this very quickly, as if she’d wanted to get it off her chest. I’d never heard her speak so openly. I cupped her cheek, drawing my thumb along her bottom lip. Valentina Connor meant everything to me, but I knew we had to take this slowly. This was new, and we were treading on quicksand. If we moved too quickly, it would swallow us up.

“You don’t have to be afraid with me. I promise.” I kissed her, and she opened up to me in a way she’d never done before. Jesus, I wanted to ravish her right there on the dance floor. I held her close to me until the song finished, and then whispered, “Let’s go home, Val. I want to bury myself inside you.”

Her eyes widened, and her gaze fell to my lips. Then she licked her own and nodded. We were out in minutes.

The second we made it to her bedroom, I skimmed my thumb over her bare shoulder, then placed a kiss in the same spot. I wanted to map her body with my hands and my mouth, discover what made her wild with lust, and then I’d be the only one holding the key to her pleasure.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance