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I laughed, imagining Val putting up with all the Connors under one roof.

Jace turned to Will, hooking his thumb at him. “Don’t let this one fool you with his ex-detective past. He was quite a troublemaker himself.”

“I know. Val told me.”

“She said that?” Will looked crestfallen. “What else?”

I held up my hands in surrender. “Ask her. I can feel you guys turning against me just because I’m

relaying the information. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“Nah, we’re not.” Jace spoke good-naturedly, then added as an afterthought, “Unless you break our sister’s heart.”

“I’m not planning to.”

A muscle jumped in my neck as I remembered what Val had said before leaving to buy pie. Just ignore any sentence including the words serious or future, okay? Was it just a playful warning because she knew there was a chance I’d be cornered? Or did she truly not want more from me than a good time?

My jaw ticked. I certainly wasn’t planning to let her go.

Hailey appeared out of thin air next to me. “They’re hazing you, aren’t they?”

“They were starting to.”

She glared at her brothers. Jace held up his hands in surrender. “We’re your brothers. It’s what we do.”

“What he said,” Will added.

Hailey parked her hands on her hips. “Will, I was expecting better of you. You’re now in a happy relationship. I’d thought you’d cut back on the brooding. Instead, you’re rubbing off on Jace.”

“Sister, we’re just doing our part,” Jace volleyed back smoothly.

Hailey waved her hand, then turned to me.

“Don’t pay attention to Jace these days. I think he’s extra broody because he’s still single.”

Jace elbowed Hailey playfully. “You’re single too.”

“Or maybe not. Maybe I’m just not parading all my secret lovers in front of you.”

Both Will and Jace looked too stunned to answer. Hailey took advantage of the opportunity, lacing her arm with mine. As we walked away, she looked over her shoulder.

“Oh, man, I was just trying to take the spotlight off Val, but I think I’ve just set myself up for months of questioning and them flexing their brotherly muscles.”

I chuckled. “You’re a great sister.”

“Well, yes, I am, thank you very much. Though truthfully, Val and Lori paved the way for me in just about every aspect. Well, Lori mostly. Val was more like a mom to me growing up. I always felt a little guilty.”

“For what?”

“For the fact that Val and Landon had to put their lives on hold for us. Instead of enjoying the freedoms of any college students, they were bogged down with... well, us.”

“Hailey, Val never saw you as a burden. She always speaks with affection about everyone.”

“I know. She’s Val. But I know she’s missed out on a lot of things. She tended to forget about herself, though she is getting much better at it lately. In case you can’t read through the lines... just make sure you dote on her, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Hailey grinned. “You’re great. But I feel compelled to tell you, if you break her heart, it’s not my brothers you have to worry about. I know I don’t look too intimidating next to them, but I can do a lot of damage.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance