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“Jace, you’re the Lords’ most valuable player. Your game is excellent. That’s the important thing. The rest is secondary, but if it’s becoming too much, I’m sure you can take measures to avoid the limelight.”

“I know, but it also seems stupid not to capitalize on my luck. I know that this career isn’t forever. If I’m unlucky, an injury can take me out at any time. All these contracts for commercials are good money that I’ll need later. In Dad’s words, I just need to toughen up. This won’t last forever anyway. I have maybe ten years left to play, and then everyone w

ill forget who I am. Sorry for laying all this on you. I guess I just needed to vent.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You can always talk to me.”

“Thanks, sis. How is it going with Beauty SkinEssence?”

“It feels like we’re playing ping-pong. Their lawyer makes a move, then mine, then theirs again. Lawyer fees are piling up. I don’t even want to think about it. Sooo, since you’re here....”

“Oh, no. I know what you’re going to ask.”


“You were in the sampling room. And you want to drag me there with you.”

“A man’s perspective always helps.”

Jace grinned. I grinned back.

“Fine, I’ll come with you. But only because I feel guilty for dumping all this on you.”

“Awww. I love you too.”

Chapter Twenty


I tortured my brother for about an hour before calling it a day. I wasn’t trying to be a nuisance, but it required hard work to get more out of Jace than “This is okay” and “This is okay too.” I needed the nitty-gritty. If he were part of a focus group, he’d be a tough cookie to crack.

“Do you have time to grab a tea?” I asked as we made our way to the break room. “Leta just texted me that she’s in the area and dropping by.”

Leta was a good friend of mine. I’d met her a few years ago at a conference, and we hit it right off.


I narrowed my eyes at Jace. He looked a little too excited. I pinched his arm.

“Leta is my friend. Don’t go after her and make things weird.”

“Are you implying I’d break her heart? You have no faith in me.”

“You’re right. When it comes to this, I have zero faith.” I squinted. “Unless you’re telling me you want to settle down?”

Jace looked shocked. “Sisters. Always up for stabbing you in the back.”

“Never.” I patted his cheek. There was a time when he’d relished all the media attention and the never-ending flings. But now it seemed he was ready to make some changes.

“You haven’t answered my question, so I’ll take it as a yes.”

“Val,” he said warningly.

“Come on, give me some details. Describe to me your ideal woman.”

He squinted. “Please tell me you’re not going to try and set me up.”

“Are you crazy? That’s what we have Pippa for. She knows her stuff. This is purely sisterly curiosity.” And maybe fishing for information to pass on to Pippa. Maybe.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance