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When both he and Hailey entered the room, I scrutinized them. They looked happy and relaxed, so I relaxed too.

“This is a surprise.” A very welcome surprise. I might not like being interrupted while sniffing samples, but I made exceptions for my siblings.

“Thought we’d pay you a visit,” Hailey said. “We also brought lunch.”

She held up a takeout bag, and my stomach rumbled in anticipation.

“Let’s go upstairs. I don’t want the smell of food lingering here. It’ll make testing harder.”

Up the stairs we went and into the smaller of the two break rooms. It was empty. Most employees went out for lunch, and those who didn’t preferred the other one because it opened up onto a balcony.

My siblings had brought quinoa and avocado salad, and as we dug in, I studied them. This wasn’t a random visit. Hailey held her shoulders slightly raised, which meant she was in work mode, not relaxing mode, and Jace glanced at her from time to time.

“So, full disclosure, we’re not here just for lunch,” Hailey said eventually. “I had an idea.”

“I’m listening.”

“You know that our brother here is rather famous.”

I feigned having to think it over. “Really? I couldn’t tell. I think two of my girls tripped over their own feet for a picture with you.”

His fame was unusual, because soccer typically didn’t get as much attention in the US as basketball or hockey.

But my brother was more famous for being attractive than for playing soccer. It all started a few years ago when he appeared in a high-profile commercial. The internet exploded.

Then GQ ran a list of sexiest soccer players, and his fame carried over from the internet to the real world. In a town full of stars, it was saying something that Jace was so popular.

“Three, actually.” Jace flashed a sheepish smile.

“And I know you need a model for your fragrance line for men,” Hailey continued.

“Yes,” I said slowly.

“She wants to offer me up as tribute,” Jace said with a wink. “Now that I’m famous and all that. She didn’t even give me the time of day before.”

“Don’t egg me on before I’ve even finished my lunch. It’s a dangerous endeavor,” Hailey warned.

“Wow.” I looked directly at Jace. “You’re interested in that? You never told me.”

“You never asked. I thought maybe you were looking for something else.”

I cocked a brow. “Tall, handsome, and voted sexiest soccer star second year in a row? You’re hot property, brother. I’d love to if you’re game for it.”

“I am.”

Hailey clapped her hands. “I knew this would work out.”

I looked between them, trying to put two and two together.

“How did you end up discussing this? Did you meet during Hailey’s office hours to talk about marketing opportunities? Don’t you specialize in PR scandals, sister?”

“She always catches on,” Jace murmured in a defeated tone.

Hailey sighed. “He needed my advice for another matter, but we ended up discussing this as well.”

Alarm bells were ringing in my mind. If he needed Hailey’s expertise, shit had hit the fan.

“Jace... what happened?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance