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I willed myself not to be jittery as I signed for the papers, but then my legs turned into Jell-O. I didn’t make it to my desk. Instead, I leaned against the wall next to the door and pulled out the documents.

They were suing me.

My heart sank. I read through the details, absorbing them.

Then I did something I hadn’t done in a long while. I closed the door to my office before sitting in the chair behind my desk, feeling drained of all energy. I’d prepared for this scenario, of course. I’d just hoped it wouldn’t occur. It would require a lot of time and money I could use elsewhere. An inkling of doubt set in. Had I been stupid not to settle during mediation? But killing the line would have effectively meant admitting guilt, and I simply couldn’t have lived with that. But now, when faced point-blank with the result, I wondered if swallowing my pride was the best course of action. I’d worked my ass off for so long to get where I was, to bring the company to a point where it was solid and profitable, and now this.

I willed myself to ignore the tight knot in my stomach, but I couldn’t. What if the litigation ended up at trial? What if the judge ruled against me? What if I lost more than this line? God, there I went again, overthinking everything.

But I couldn’t help it. The company was so tied to who I was. I still remembered that euphoric feeling I’d had when Landon and I signed the papers for incorporating. I’d wanted to build something everyone could be proud of: me, my parents, and Landon too. I’d also wanted to prove to myself that I could make my dream come true. I wouldn’t let anyone take it away from me.

I wasn’t sure how long I’d been locked inside by myself, mulling over everything, and wishing the day would just end so I could go home and sink in my tub. I heard a knock at my door.

“Val, everything all right?” Anne asked. “You have a meeting in ten minutes.”

“I’ll be on time.”

I checked my phone. I’d been wallowing for twenty minutes. And I had a new message from Carter.

Carter: Do you have time for lunch?

I typed a message, then deleted it, then typed another one.

Val: No. My day just got a lot worse :(( I have to go into a meeting right now.

Carter: Did something happen?

I sent him a picture of the papers. Carter didn’t answer right away, and I didn’t have time to wait. I rushed into the meeting, leaving my phone behind, not wanting to be distracted.

I forced myself to focus because the gentlemen had flown in from Italy. They produced some of the rarest essences, and I wanted to strike a deal with them.

The meeting lasted longer than I’d hoped, and by the time we’d finalized the details, I was light-headed. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and it was almost four o’clock. I walked the gentlemen to the elevator, and the second the door slid to a close, I turned to Anne.

“Can you get me something to eat? Anything at all.”

“Sure, boss. But you’ve got someone waiting in your office for you.”

“Oh? I didn’t have any other meeting on my calendar.”

“A Carter Sloane dropped by unannounced. Said he had to talk to you. He’s been waiting for an hour. Couldn’t get rid of him.”

“Of course not. Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll talk to him. But please, hurry with that sandwich, or I’ll faint.”

Anne darted to the elevator as I spun on my heels, heading to my office. My empty stomach rolled over. When I reached the doorway to my office, Carter rose to his feet. I tried to read his body language but was too tired and hungry to make much headway.

“Anne said you’ve been waiting for an hour.”

He held up his phone. “You didn’t answer my text or call.”

“I was in a meeting.”

“I know, Anne told me. Called the office when you weren’t answering.”

I stepped inside, closing the door again.

Chapter Fifteen


Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance