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When I received coffee and yet another pancake the second morning, I berated Carter.

Val: You can’t feed me pancakes every morning.

Carter: Why not? You like them.

Val: Yes, but variety is good.

Good for my hips, that was. I would’ve eaten pancakes all day long and twice on a Sunday, but I also wanted to keep in shape. Next morning, I received a yogurt with muesli and honey with my coffee. I dug right into it, savoring every spoonful.

Val: This is yummy. I’ve never had it before.

Carter: I’m having the same.

I felt as if we were indeed sharing breakfast, even if we weren’t in the same spot. Another message popped up.

Carter: This is making my plan to work my way through your deep and dark secrets significantly harder.

Val: Oh, you thought I’d make it easy for you?

His reply came right away.

Carter: No. But no worries, I’m making progress on my own.

Val: What do you mean?

The next message contained a photo. It took me a second to realize it was a screenshot of the Kindle app on his phone. He was reading a book. Oh, God... he was reading my book. The one that had gotten me all hot and bothered right in the middle of the coffee shop last week.

And holy shit, that passage he’d sent me... I’d highlighted it, because it was some of the steamiest stuff I’d ever read. My face was burning, and so was my chest. Hell, I wasn’t ashamed to admit (to myself) that I was even burning between my thighs.

What was I supposed to answer? Was he even expecting a reply? I mean... he had to be. Why else send it to me?

Val: So you’re enjoying it?

Carter: I can see the appeal. Different from my usual bedtime read.

I bet it was. I also had no clue how to continue the conversation, but he had plenty of ideas.

Carter: I’m curious. Do you just like to read, or ar

e you into all of this?

Holy shit, if I’d thought I was burning before... well now, he’d unleashed an inferno inside of me. Even my fingertips felt on fire as I typed.

Val: I can’t believe you’re asking this.

Carter: You promised we’d exchange notes.

Carter: On second thought, I’d rather hear the answer in person. I can’t wait.

I stared at his message, then stared some more before laughter bubbled out of me. He was going to be the death of me. I didn’t know if I should be afraid of it or look forward to it.

On Thursday afternoon, I went home a little early as my commitment for that evening was canceled. It was for the best because I was exhausted. I had a chance to catch up on some housework, as well as relax a little. I filled my tub with water and an unscented bubble lotion. After being nose-deep in samples all week, I needed a break from any kind of fragrance.

I propped a wooden tray across the tub, laying my Kindle, the phone, and a glass of water on it. Then I lit three candles and switched off the light. I sighed as I slid in the warm water, careful not to move the wooden table. This was heaven in a tub. If there was a better way to relax, I hadn’t found it yet. I didn’t even want to read, honestly. All I wanted was to close my eyes and let the exhaustion drip from my bones. I didn’t even want to think about tomorrow. It was going to be a long day. But I was looking forward to dinner with my family... and the breakfast delivery.

As if sensing that I was thinking about him, Carter sent me a message.

Carter: Are you still at the office?

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance