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Lifting his mouth from the tip of my breast, he blows a hot breath on the sensitive skin there. My entire body seems to be made of pure sensation and need. Every part of me responds to his expert lips and fingers.

“Fuck, I love seeing you this wet and wild for me.” Keeping his thumb firmly pressed on my sensitive spot, he slides one finger inside me, and my breath catches. While his fingers torture me, he places his mouth on the hollow of my neck, licking me there before descending between my breasts, lavishing my torso with kisses.

When he abruptly removes his hand from between my legs, I’m left feeling cold and empty. I’m about to complain when Nate leans back, lifting my ass, taking each cheek in his large hands, bringing my core level with his face.

“This ass of yours is so sweet. I bet you’ll taste even sweeter.”

Nate Becker’s between my legs. Heavens, I might come just from this sight alone. The first stroke of his tongue against my slick sex appeases my ache. The second intensifies it. This will be both bliss and torture until the very end.

When I feel the roots of my orgasm pulling at me, I cry out his name. His mouth on me is delicious, every second bringing me closer to my release. My fingers desperately gnaw at the counter, seeking to ground me, but the hard surface offers no reprieve, just as his lips and tongue offer me no mercy. Nate squeezes one ass cheek tighter as he brings his other hand to my belly, resting it there with his fingers splayed before inching downward and pressing his thumb on my clit.

“Nate, oh I’m going to—ah!”

I come hard, a million tiny beads of pleasure exploding inside me, clouding my vision for a split second, my body giving in with an almost violent arch. Nate holds me tight until my body calms down and I descend from cloud nine.

He helps me hop down from the counter and caresses my cheek, his eyes still hooded with desire. I wrap my palm around his erection again. He needs his release. I want to give him pleasure, to make him happy.

He inhales sharply as I move my hand up and down, dragging my hand across the thick crown. There are drops of clear liquid already on his tip, and I know he won’t last long. I squeeze him tight and good, increasing my rhythm, seeing him slowly come apart. Seconds later, he fists my hair, a primal groan reverberating from his throat. Liquid squirts on my belly, hot and sticky. After he calms down, he turns on the water, cleaning us both.

“As far as first dates, this one’s going great,” I tease as I shimmy back into my dress. “But we missed our reservation. When I called, they told me if we don’t make it in half an hour, we lose our spot. Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere you want.”

“A few nearby places have an intimate atmosphere.”

Nate smiles wistfully, caging me in again against the counter. “Not a good idea.”


He presses himself against me and I feel the bulge in his pants—hard again. “I didn’t get my fill of you, and if we’re going to be alone, or somewhere intimate, I might try to seduce you. So we should go somewhere where there are many people and I can’t get away with making you forget about your five-date rule. Remember?”


The corners of his mouth tilt up. “I do, and I don’t want us to do something you might regret tomorrow.”

Even through the post-climax haze, I realize he’s looking out for me, and I all but melt.

“Let’s go to Blake’s bar. It’ll be full, and my brother will be keeping an eye on us. Seductive maneuvers will be out of question.”

“Great idea.”


Several hours later, I’m in my bedroom, sliding under my covers, a satisfied smile on my lips. As I predicted, the bar was full, and we both behaved. Completely unaware that we were on a date, Blake spent most of the evening with us. It was a lot of fun. I’m nearly asleep when my phone beeps.

Groaning, I’m tempted to just ignore it, but it will beep periodically if I don’t read the message. So even though all I want is sleep, I push myself out of the bed. I never put my phone on the nightstand, because in the morning I’d just hit the snooze button on the alarm. Instead, I place it on the vanity across the room, which forces me to get out of bed in the morning.

When I see who sent me the message, I instantly light up.

Nate: Home safe?

We left the bar separately.

Alice: Yeah. Was just about to fall asleep.

The little dots indicating he’s writing appear on screen. Then they disappear, but no message arrives. Hmm… someone can’t find the right words?

Alice: Was checking in on me just an excuse? You can talk to me about anything.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance