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Every wisp of air leaves my lungs at the words “internal damage.” "Of course. I’m on my way."

"What's wrong?" Sienna asks after I click off, panic flaring in her eyes.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I force myself to sound calm. "Christopher and Chloe were in an accident. Nothing major, don't worry. I'm going to them."

"I'm coming too."

"You and Lucas stay home. It's nothing," I promise.

I fight the cloud of panic threatening to swallow me up all the way to the hospital. My hands shake on the wheel, and my mind races with made-up images of blood splattered on the asphalt and cries of agony. I listened intently when I was talking to Christopher, and I didn't hear Chloe cry in the background. Christopher's voice didn't seem to hide pain.

Calm down, Victoria. Calm down.

Repeating that mantra is futile. I know I won't relax until the doctor clears Chloe and Christopher. They’ll be all right. They have to be. Still, as I speed in the direction of the highway, I can't help remembering another phone call urging me to head to a hospital nearly a year ago. Aunt Christina called me close to midnight on a Friday, telling me to head to the hospital, that something had happened during my parents' boating trip and they were taken to the hospital.

At that time, I was in town enjoying a girls' night out. Reluctantly I got into a cab, and all the way to the hospital, I worked on a joke. I'd walk in and tell them it was time they left romantic dates to the young ones if they couldn't even make it through a boat trip. I imagined something like them falling over in the water and getting a scare. It was ridiculous, but at that time, I couldn't imagine anything serious happening to them. In my mind, my parents would live forever. When I arrived at the hospital, Christina was sobbing. I had never seen her sob before, and the joke froze on my tongue. When she calmed down enough to talk, she told me my parents' boat had collided with a poorly lit buoy, and they were both dead.

The entire world imploded.

Maybe I've become paranoid, but as I step inside the hospital, I have the sinking feeling that everything is about to implode again.

I find Christopher and Chloe in the crowded emergency waiting room, both sitting on chairs. This is good. Sitting is good. If they have any real damage, they wouldn't be sitting, would they? If they were hurt, they wouldn't be in the waiting room. I know jack shit about internal damage, but I keep telling myself that sitting is a good sign.

"Victoria," Chloe squeals when she sees me, jumping in my arms when I step in front of her. I hug her closely, breathing her in. She smells like candy and my perfume, which she sprayed on herself this morning when she thought I wasn't looking. There are no traces of blood anywhere that I can see.

Christopher pulls both of us between his arms, and he too seems unharmed. His grip is as strong and reassuring as ever, and my knees nearly buckle with relief.

"We’re waiting for a doc to see us, but based on the preliminary checkups in the ambulance, we don't have anything more than a few scratches," Christopher explains after we pull apart and I place Chloe on the chair again.

His voice sounds strong and reassuring too. He couldn't sound like this if he were hurt, could he? And Chloe couldn't muster up this smile that lights up her entire face if she had internal bleeding, could she?

"What happened?" I ask. The seats next to Chloe and Christopher are occupied so I just stand before them.

"Some schmuck ran the red light. Slammed into the passenger seat from the side. Thank God Chloe was sitting in the back."

"And then Christopher's airbag went boom," Chloe exclaims, extending her arms up in the air.

"You weren't scared at all?" I ask her gently.

"Yes, I was, but Christopher said…." She frowns, resting her chin dramatically on her palm. "I don't remember, but now I'm not scared anymore."

I throw my arms around Christopher's neck, practically choking him. Chuckling, he loops his arms around my waist.

"We're fine, Victoria," he whispers. "We're absolutely fine."

"Sorry to interrupt," a low, brisk voice says from behind me. As I step to the side, the nurse surveys me. "Are you the little one's guardian?"

"Yes. I'm her sister."

"Okay. I need you to fill out some forms for me."

Afterward, the nurse suggests I remain in the waiting room while she takes Christopher and Chloe for a checkup. Usually the parent or guardian goes in with a child, unless the child has serious injuries. In our case though, Christopher needs to be checked out himself. I only agree because I think it’s best for Chloe. I am beyond nervous, and I think my presence in the ER room would distress her.

Once they’re gone, there’s nothing for me to do except wait as two of the most important people in my life are being checked for potentially life-threatening injuries. I briefly consider calling Sienna, but there’s no point right now. I'll call once I know that they’re all right.

They will be all right.

I don't know how much time passes before I hear my name.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance