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Christopher grins at her appreciatively, turning to me. "Since we're being bossed into a day-long date, I'm going to make plans."

"Weekend-long date," Sienna corrects. "Aunt Christina said we can stay overnight."

"By the way, I have an invitation," Christopher says. "My parents have invited all of you for Thanksgiving dinner at their house."

"We'd love to join you," I reply honestly, though my stomach is in knots at the thought of meeting his parents.

"Excellent," Sienna says. "So you two are going on a weekend-long date this week, and in two weeks we'll be meeting your parents. I like how things are progressing."

Once Sienna leaves us alone, Christopher says, "There's something on your mind."

"How do you know?"

"Just a hunch."

We're sitting on the couch in the living room, and all the kids are upstairs. There is no chance of anyone overhearing us.

"I'm worried," I say.

"Has the guy from social services bugged you again?"

"No! I mean, I’ve talked to him on the phone for the monthly updates, but I'm worried about something else. A while ago I bumped into my former employer, Natasha, and she accused me of stealing her clients. When I decorated Alice's first restaurant, I was working for Natasha. She was pissed that Alice didn't use her company for the second restaurant. This week I met with a potential client who said he had a meeting with Natasha but didn't like what she pitched him. Then he saw my work. It's still in the company's portfolio since I was with Natasha while completing it, and he decided to contact me directly. I don't want to give her grounds to sue me or anything. I don't know if I should take him on as a client."

Christopher frowns, rubbing his jaw. "I don't see why you shouldn't, but I'm no lawyer. However, I have contact with very good lawyers. Would you like to talk to one?"

"Yes! Wait—What's he charging per hour?"

"He won't charge you."

"Hey, that's not fair. I don't want a free ride."

"You can pay me instead." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.


"He won't charge you for one question, Victoria. But I want you to know one thing. You can count on me, no matter what." He pulls me onto his lap so that I'm straddling him. “Anything you or the kids need, just tell me. Anything, and I’ll make it happen.”

“You’re awfully sweet,” I say quietly.

“Your wish is my command. And your trouble is my trouble."

Christopher has slipped into my life so deeply I can't imagine it without him. I swear my heart skips a beat. "That's the most romantic thing you've said."

"Really?" He flashes my favorite grin. "I wasn't even trying. But since I just earned some points, can I spend the night here?"

"You don't have to ask. Of course you can. Don't you miss that beautiful apartment of yours?" We've been there with the kids one evening this week, giving them a tour. They loved it and wanted to sleep over, but since Christopher's second bedroom is an office and the couch is not a sleeper, that wasn't possible. Though I have the sneaking suspicion the kids would have happily slept on the floor just to stay there.

"Nah. I don't like being there on my own. It's empty without you and the kids."

I am simply in awe. That is until Christopher smirks.

"Now I was trying to be romantic. But it's true. In case you want to swoon, I've got you."

The mischievous bastard. I hold my ground, but I'm secretly swooning, of course.


The next day, I talk to Christopher's lawyer on the phone. He puts my mind at ease, assuring me Natasha has no grounds for suing, and it's absolutely my right to take on the client.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance