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Chapter Ten


After shutting the door, I turn on my heels, inspecting my siblings. Sienna gives me an amused, if sheepish, smile, trying to shush Chloe, who tugs at her shirt, repeatedly asking, “How do you make kids?” Lucas stares at me, arms crossed.

"We need to talk," I tell them, doing my best mom impression. "In the living room, all of you."

Once inside, Sienna sits on the ottoman while the small ones take the couch. I pace around the room, looking for the right words.

Sienna breaks the silence. "We're sorry for interrupting the moment with Christopher."

"You didn't interrupt anything," I assure them. "That's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What, then?" Sienna continues.

Mulling the answer over in my mind, I realize I don't have a plan. I just want to reassure them that I'll never let anyone take them away. At the same time, I don't want Lucas to realize Christopher and I talked about him. He won't appreciate it. Biting the inside of my cheek, I take a deep breath.

"So, I have a confession to make," I begin, and the three of them perk up. "Yesterday evening, I cried."

Lucas grimaces. "Christopher told you what I told him, didn't he?"

Fantastic start. Sighing, I admit, "Yeah."

"Why were you crying?" Chloe asks. "Will they take us away from you?"

Sienna throws me a startled glance, a sign she didn't know the little ones were eavesdropping when I shared my concerns with her.

"No. No one will take you away, I promise."

"I thought grown-ups didn't cry," Chloe whispers, breaking my heart. That's because Mom never did, or at least we never got wind of it.

"Of course they do," Sienna says sensibly. "They just hide it better."

"Kids, I want you to know that whatever happens, I won't let anyone take you away."

Lucas and Chloe are both watching the floor.

"What if you get married?" Chloe asks.

"What—" I begin, but my brother interrupts.

"You're old enough to have your own kids," Lucas insists. "Will you still want us when you have your own kids?"

Wow, this is going extraordinarily well. Sienna runs a hand through her hair, alarm clearly visible on her face at the fears the little ones are harboring.

"Of course I’ll still want you. I love all of you."

"But what if you fall in love?" Chloe asks.

"If I do, it doesn't mean I will love you any less, or that I will stop taking care of you." Where are they going with this?

"What if he won't like us?" Lucas asks, stunning me. "I've seen kids at my school with divorced parents. When they get a stepmom or stepdad, they hate each other."

"I promise you I won't date anyone I'm not one hundred percent sure likes you. And you also have to like him."

Lucas’s and Chloe's faces break into the biggest smiles I've seen in months, and my heart suddenly feels lighter.


Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance