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I call Sienna the second I step out of the courtroom. At this time of day, the kids are all home. My words come out rushed and borderline unintelligible, but she understands, squealing at the top of her lungs. As she relays the information to Lucas and Chloe, they start squealing in the background. After clicking off, I hurry after Alan, who is exiting the building.

"Thank you so much for all you've done," I tell him once I catch up with him outside. "Can I ask you one thing? What did Christopher's statement say?"

"How did it go?"

I spin around so fast that I almost lose my balance. Christopher stands before me, tall and handsome, a hint of dark circles tinting the area under his eyes. His hair is disheveled, a sign he's run his hand through it repeatedly. His proximity sends my senses into a tailspin, and all my instincts crave to soothe him, to jump in his arms and kiss the living daylights out of him. With the trial no longer hanging over my head, I can focus on him. His brow is furrowed, and I do not like those lines on his forehead one bit.

"Christopher!" Alan exclaims. "You didn't say you'd be here."

"I was planning to wait at home for your call, but I got anxious and drove here a few hours ago."

"Hours?" I ask, voice strangled with emotion. He was probably here outside while we were waiting for the judge to decide.

"Yeah. I have now skipped going into my office for three days straight. First time ever. There's a distinct possibility I'll never be allowed to step inside Bennett Enterprises again. I take it the judge ruled in your favor?"

"Yes," I reply. "Yes, she did."

Relief melts his frown, lighting up his expression.

"I'm sorry I can't stay and celebrate with the two of you, but I have to put fires out for another client," Alan says. Christopher and I bid him good-bye, and then Alan heads toward the nearest crossing.

Taking my hand, Christopher pulls me away from the entrance to the courthouse, turning into a narrow side street. We stop under the gold and copper streaked crown of a massive tree. A strong gust of wind blows, ruffling my hair.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done." I raise my hand to shove my hair out of my face. Christopher reaches for me too, and our hands collide briefly. With surprise, I realize we're both a little nervous.

"It was the least I could do," he says.

"You went above and beyond. Thank you. I'm sorry I didn't call, I was just so wrapped up in preparing for the trial."

“I was too. I’m sorry for the outburst at the hospital. You know that’s not who I am."

“I know. I was just so scared.”

“Me too. I haven’t stopped being scared for three days straight. The thought of the kids being taken away from you, of losing all of you….”

His voice is pure silk, and I wish I could drape myself in it. God, I missed his voice and his laughter. I just missed him terribly.

"I missed you."

"How much?" The corners of his mouth lift in a smile. "I'm warning you. I won't accept anything less than ‘a lot.’ Just to tip the scale in favor of ‘a lot,’ do you want to hear my statement? I heard you ask Alan about it."

"You have the statement with you?"

He tips one forefinger against his temple. "It's all here. Prepare to be blown away."

"Let's hear it." I fight to keep a straight expression, but utterly fail. My face cracks into a smile before Christopher opens his mouth.

"To whom it may concern, I met Victoria Hensley when looking for a decorator. From the first moment, she made an impression on me as a consummate professional. As I began to know her on a personal level, I discovered she was a sweet and nurturing person, determined to do right by Lucas, Chloe, and Sienna. I have fallen in love with Victoria and come to care very much for her siblings. When Chloe and I were in the car accident, my first instinct was to make sure she was unharmed. The outburst at the hospital in front of Hervis Jackson was unusual for me. Anyone who knows me can attest that I am a calm person. In that moment, I was overcome by fear that Victoria might end up losing custody of the little ones. I cannot imagine my life without all of them. I want to be there to mark every inch Chloe grows on a wall, to train Lucas for soccer, and fend off any subpar suitors asking Sienna out—"

"Oh stop, you'll make me cry." My eyes sting, emotion clogging my throat. Sometime during his speech, he curled his arms around my waist. I don't want him to take them away, not ever.

"I didn't even get to the good part." Leaning in, he kisses my forehead, and I feel his lips stretch into a smile against my skin. My man is about to get romantic again. "I love you, Victoria, and I want to spend my life with you. I want to be your partner in crime for everything, from making sure no one chops off their fingers to wrestling you to bed."

"You didn't include that last part in your deposition, did you?" I ask suspiciously, resting my palms on his shoulders.

"Thought about it, then decided it could come off as inappropriate. So, let's recap. How much did you miss me?"

"I love you, and I want to grow old next to you."

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance