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“He’ll return here as Chief Operations Officer,” Sebastian says, which I expected because that was his old job. Max took the job of International Development after his return from London.

“This is great. So, when will he be back?” I ask.

“It’ll take a while to find the right person to take over there,” Max remarks. “Took me long enough to find a replacement for myself in London.”

“At least we have you back.” I grin.

“Don’t set your matchmaking eyes on me, Pippa,” Max says.

“I’m not,” I lie. But it’s just half a lie. I was thinking about how great it’d be to finally have everyone home again. Matchmaking him might have crossed my mind.

“Yes, you were,” he says with an annoying certainty as he drops in the seat next to me again. “I can practically see the wheels turning in your head.”

I pout, leaning back in my chair.

“You’ve been gone for too long, brother,” Sebastian says. “If you want to lead a peaceful life, you can’t win against Pippa.”

“What he just said,” I say with a nod.

“You don’t get to make any plans for me, sister. Are we clear?” Max asks.

“I can neither confirm nor deny that,” I say seriously.

Max gawks at me. “Who are you, the CIA? Speaking of, what’s up with you and Callahan?”

“We’re dating,” I mumble, wondering where this is coming from. I’m used to Logan and Sebastian meddling in my affairs, not Max. “We like spending time with each other.”

“You seemed… serious when you guys were at Mom and Dad’s,” Sebastian says.

“We are.”

“But he’ll go back to Boston at the end of summer.”

I can hear the unspoken continuation. Last time we talked, we all thought it was a good way for you to have fun.

“Way to be tactless.” Max shakes his head at Sebastian.

“I don’t want you to get hurt again,” my older brother says.

“I won’t. Don’t worry. I’ve got my big girl panties on,” I reply with a heavy heart.

Sebastian eyes me in silence for a few seconds, then casually asks Max, “What’s the valuation of his company? Can we buy him?”

I drag my hands across my face, shaking my head. “Sebastian, stop.”

Neither of my brothers pays me any attention. Typical.

“Logan and I ran the numbers. His company is worth almost as much as Bennett Enterprises. There’s no way,” Max says.

For a few minutes, I’m too stunned to speak. I don’t know what surprises me more. That they are talking so casually about buying an entire company to keep Eric here, or that Max is involved in this. It shouldn’t surprise me, though. After all, Sebastian and Logan set up a company for Terence back in the day, so the asshole could name himself CEO even though he didn’t have the brains or willpower to work to deserve that title. At the time, I thought his growing resentment for me was because I was earning more than he was, and he was feeling inferior in front of our friends. No, turns out he was an ass.

“Sebastian, Max,” I say, in a voice as calm as I can muster, “I appreciate your concern for me, but I don’t want you trying to solve my problems. Last time you did, it didn’t go over so well. It’s time I handled my own issues.”

“We don’t want you to get hurt again,” Sebastian answers in a concerned voice.

I sigh. “Neither do I, brother. Neither do I.”

Chapter Twenty

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance