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“You are too gentle. You treat everybody with kindness and respect. Some people don’t deserve that. Sometimes you have to stoop to their level to beat them.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I consider the merit of his words. Maybe I have been too gentle with that moron.

“There’s something more bothering you,” Eric continues.

“I’m trying to figure out if I had a greater share of blame than I like to admit,” I confess.

“What do you mean?”

“He married me for money. But he spent years with me, and I couldn’t make him fall in love with me. What does that say about me?”

“That you were with the wrong man. Don’t for one second think you’re unworthy of love.”

Which is exactly how I feel, of course. It’s scary how easily he can read me, but reassuring at the same time.

“Well, my family loves me,” I say with a smile, “so I know I’m not entirely unlovable.”

Without any warning, Eric swipes me off my feet, lifting me in his strong arms, and walks toward the couch as if I weigh nothing. We walk too close to my shelves of books, though, and when my foot collides with a book that’s sitting too far out, a bunch of books fall to the floor. Belatedly, I realize it’s my stash of romance novels. Eric puts me down and makes a grab for the books.

“What are these?” he asks playfully.

“Books,” I say quickly. Tiptoeing around him, I brainstorm for the best way to distract him, but by the look of intense concentration—and almost insulting incredulity—on his face, I know it won’t be easy.

He scans the covers. “Bare chest, abs, couples kissing… I’m sensing a theme here.” His eyebrows, which were already arched, now threaten to get lost in his hair. “More abs, and is that a—?”

“Give them here.” I snatch the books from him and put them back on the shelf. My entire face feels hot and flushed, and Eric chuckling behind me doesn’t help the situation.

I swirl around on my heels, facing him. “Do not mock my romance books, or you will not get laid tonight.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Warning you.”

“Must you be reminded who’s in charge here?” Eric’s gaze is so intense it makes all my lady parts tingle. He oozes too much masculinity.

“You’re presumptuous,” I say, but lick my lips nervously when the intensity in Eric’s gaze doesn’t lessen. “Don’t mock the books.”

“I’m not mocking,” he says, with an amused expression. “Just wondering what I’m up against.”

“Ah, don’

t worry. You more than measure up to all the hotties on those covers.”

“I see.” His lip curls into a smirk. “So, when you say you’re spending a cozy night in, this is what you do?”

“A girl’s got to indulge,” I say with a shrug.

Eric takes a step in my direction, towering over me as he slides his thumb under my chin and lifts my head. “Indulge in me.”

“Sounds like something I can do.”

He nods, picking me up in his arms again. “Let’s resume our previous conversation. You, Pippa Bennett, are the easiest person to love, and any man who doesn’t see that is an idiot.”

“Ah, I have a feeling I’m about to be showered with compliments.”

“Anything against it?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance