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“I do. I can’t….”

Her words fade into moans as I push my hips into a maddening rhythm. I drag my thumb across her lips, then slide it inside her mouth. She bites it gently, and energy strums through me. Every muscle in my body contorts with effort. When she gasps my name, fisting the sheet, my control snaps. I slam harder into her than before. Her breasts bounce with my thrusts. Christ, what a sight that is. She rocks against me with equal desperation. Slipping a hand between us, I stroke her clit. Pippa rewards me by digging her nails in to the bed and crying out my name. She’s sexy and wanton, and I fucking love it. A red hue spreads on her soft skin, flushing her gorgeous curves as her sex twinges around me. Her puckered nipples beckon to me and, on a groan, I lean forward and twist one between my fingers. I increase my rhythm like a man possessed until Pippa cries out loud, riding her orgasm while I come harder than I ever have.

After discarding the condom, I lie next to her. It takes a few minutes before my breath regains a somewhat normal rhythm. Pippa lies with her eyes closed and a smile playing on her lips. That’s how I like to see my woman, thoroughly satisfied. The smell and feel of her damp skin are beckoning me. She shifts on one side, and when I take her in my arms, she wiggles her sexy ass against my crotch.

“Bonus points for spooning,” she whispers, almost asleep. “Are you staying the night?”

“I’m not going anywhere, Pippa. My place is right here, next to you.”

For now. I watch her fall asleep, unable to do the same. How will I let this woman go?

Chapter Thirteen


“Rise and shine, sleepyhead.” Eric’s voice resounds throughout the room as if he’s using a goddamn megaphone.

“No,” I protest, covering my face with a pillow. I blink my eyes open and then narrow them. Sheets of light flood my bedroom, thanks to the large windows. Once my eyes grow accustomed to the light, I gradually open them wider. “It’s Saturday. I want to sleep in.”

“It’s not Saturday,” he says. “It’s Wednesday, and it’s ten o’clock.”

I bolt upright in the bed, suddenly panicked. “Oh, my God. I made plans with my siblings to watch Dad in shifts. I was supposed to be at the hospital two hours ago and—”

Eric holds up a hand, interrupting me. “I spoke to Alice this morning. Blake and Sebastian are at the hospital, so you can relax for a little longer.”

I push my hair out of my face, feeling bone-tired. Eric stands at the side of the bed, sizing me up with worry.

“Did she tell you how Dad’s doing?”

“He’s out of ICU and doing okay.”

I breathe with relief. “Why aren’t you at work?”

“I wanted to stay with you and make sure you’re okay. You went through a lot yesterday.”

His words reach somewhere deep inside me, in a place I’ve never wanted to let anyone go before. My heart thuds in my chest, and I channel the wave of emotions into a smile. “Thank you. I’m —” I almost say all right, but the truth is different. “I’m happy you’re here with me.”

Sitting at the edge of the bed, I enjoy the feel of polished wood beneath my bare feet. I decorated my bedroom in a rather minimalistic fashion, with a large bed with nightstands and a dresser made of cherry wood.

“Great. You’re about to get a lot happier.”

“Why?” I ask suspiciously, hoping to get another round of mind-blowing sex.

“I bought breakfast.” He announces this proudly, as if he deserves a medal for it.

“Oh, okay.” I try to infuse my voice with enthusiasm, but breakfast is a poor offer when I was looking for an orgasm.

“You were thinking about sex, weren’t you?” He sits on the bed, eying me closely.


In a fraction of a second, Eric flattens me on the bed, climbing over me. He pins my hands above my head and positions his knees at my sides, effectively trapping me under him. I’m stark naked while he’s fully clothed.

“Tell the truth,” he bellows, though he smil


I lift my head a few inches until it’s dangerously close to his lips. Looking him straight in the eyes, I say, “I’m taking that secret to the grave.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance