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“Maybe I’m not wearing any at all,” I tease. Big mistake. His eyes darken, his lips parting with a heavy exhale. In a fraction of a second, the air between us charges, a blanket of tension settling over us.

“You’re not?” His voice is low and husky, and I shudder listening to it.

“I was kidding, Eric. Let’s go.”

“Before we go,” he says, “let’s set some ground rules.”

“I’m all ears.”

“No hot looks, and no flirting.”

I tilt my head to one side, barely holding back my laughter. “Why do I get the impression you’re talking to yourself, not to me?”

“Because I am, but it’s on you to keep me accountable.”

“That sounded businesslike. Are you going to shark out on me if I don’t hold you accountable?” I inquire.

“You bet I will.” His tone is cheeky, almost challenging.

“You can count on me. It’ll be easy-peasy.”

As I grab my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, I steal glances at him and have to swallow hard as I take in his equally imposing and consuming presence. Okay, so maybe it won’t be that easy. Eric’s hand drops to the small of my back, guiding me as we head outside the building. I lean in to his touch, amazed by the warmth coursing through me.

A stubborn wind rustles the leaves and I turn my eyes skyward, searching for any signs of an upcoming storm. The sky is remarkably clear, though, with stars shimmering here and there. I inhale the smell of nearby roses and smile. It’s a beautiful and peaceful evening, almost magical.

“Do you have any place in mind?” he asks me while signaling a passing cab to stop.

“I know a place that opened last month. They have three dance floors and a rooftop bar.”

“Sounds great,” he says after we climb in the car. I tell the cabbie the address, and afterward, we’re on our way. We’re halfway there when my phone rings.

“It’s Alice,” I tell Eric before pressing the phone to my ear and muttering, “Hi!”

“Where are you?” she asks. “You said you’d be working, and your office is empty.”

“I—You’re at the office? Why?”

“I wanted to check on you.”

I love my sister to pieces. “I’m great, Alice. Don’t worry.” In the background, I hear Nadine’s voice and Summer’s unmistakable laughter. “Alice, why are the girls with you?”

“No one’s with me,” Alice replies a little too quickly.

“I can hear them.”

She sighs. “We all came to check on you.”

“You organized a girls’ night out, didn’t you?” Guilt gnaws at me as I eye Eric.

“Sort of. Depends. What are you doing right now?”

“Eric and I are going to get some drinks.”

“You’re on a date?” She practically screams the last words, so of course Eric overhears her. I sneak a glance at him, and sure enough, he smiles.

“No. It’s not a date. It’s as nondate as it can be.”

“Right. Then I was absolutely not planning a girls’ night out. Go back to your nondate. Bye.” The line goes static. One glance at Eric and I confirm he’s about to burst out laughing.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance