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She nods, her shoulders relaxing. “Have you found an antidote to your sisters’ bipolarity?”

I don’t hesitate. “Chocolate. If that fails, I keep my distance, but it almost always works. I have the best chocolate shop in San Francisco on speed dial.”

“What if it’s late at night?” she asks playfully. “Surely they’re closed.”

“Not for me.”

“Oh, right, I forgot. You’re Logan Bennett. You can make everyone do what you want with a few words.”

“Except you. I actually have to work to convince you.”

“I’m afraid that won’t change, Mr. Bennett.” Her voice is serious, but her expression betrays her. She’s on the verge of bursting out laughing once again.

“I like it, Ms. Hawthorne. You keep me on my toes. That makes me crazy for you.”

We’re both laughing now.

She taunts me, moving her ass right over my erection. I open my mouth, but a groan comes out instead of words.

“Do you have trouble speaking, Mr. Bennett?”

I growl then kiss her mouth. She pretends to fight me off, but I grip her wrists.

“You little fighter. Even in your sleep, you fight. You kick me when I touch you at night.”

“I do not do that,” she says horrified.

“Yes, you do. Every time I try to touch you in your sleep.”

“You shouldn’t touch me when I’m asleep, you pervert.”

“Unfair accusation, coming from someone who’s currently dry-humping me.”

“Wet-humping is the right term, since we’re in a tub full of water. Are you complaining?” She pushes herself up briefly, but I grip her hips and pull her against me. Hard. Her clit collides with my erection, and Nadine gasps, her body quivering. She grasps the edges of the tub, her chest heaving up and down with labored breaths. I gave my woman a mini-orgasm.

“Why don’t you get out of this shirt?” she asks after regaining her breath.

“You don’t like it? I was under the impression you loved my shirts. You wear them inside the apartment all the time.”

“I’ve also stolen some of your socks,” she adds. “They’re so comfortable.” Licking her lips, she runs her hands over my soaked shirt. She wants me naked. “Shirt. Off. Now.”

“Nah, I’m good,” I tease. “It’s wet anyway.”

“You’ll ruin it.”

I chuckle. “You just want to see me naked.”

“I always want to see you naked, but in the bathtub, it’s a normal state of being.”

I kiss her slowly, drawing whimpers and moans out of her.

“Thank God you didn’t have your smartphone in your pocket when I first dragged you in the water,” she says.

“I had it in the back pocket of my pants.”

“No way.”

“Lucky I have a spare one.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance