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I drink in his disheveled appearance. There’s something incredibly sexy about making a man like Logan Bennett lose control this way.

“You should go change,” I tell him.

Giving me a quick kiss, he rises, arranging his clothes. When he steps out, he drips through the entire bathroom. To my astonishment, he returns a few short minutes later.



“You haven’t changed,” Nadine says.

“Not the suit, but I’ve changed my mind. Scoot over.”

“Are you—”

With a loud splash, I jump in the tub with her again, my clothes still on.

“I canceled the meeting. And this is the very first time I’ve done that.”

“You’re saying that so I feel special.”

“You are special to me.”

I grip her hips, pulling her into my lap. Her knees are at my sides, her sex pressing on the zipper of my pants. Cupping her cheek with one hand, I give her a quick smooch before lowering my lips to her neck, then down her chest.


I trail my lips up once more, reaching her ear. I’m hard again. “You make me want things, Nadine.”

“What kind of things?”

“Things I didn’t want to want. Like waking up next to you every morning, and wishing neither of us went to work so we could spend time together. I don’t care if we’re making love, eating takeout, or renovating your shop. Even watching you sleep makes me smile. The more time I spend with you, the more I want.”

I pull back, searching her eyes. Different emotions are warring in their blue depths, reflecting the same torment taking over inside of me. The desire to throw all caution to the wind and jump into this relationship with both feet competes with the fear of heartbreak and disappointment.

“We’ll figure this out together. I’ll do the right thing by you, no matter what. You deserve it.”

Despite the heat of the water, Nadine shivers. This was supposed to be just fun. We agreed to it. If I’m honest, though, I knew deep down that it’d be so much more than that right from the beginning. Everything about her is consuming. I trace her lower lip with my thumb.

“You’re a wonderful man, Logan,” she murmurs. “We said we’d take things slow.”

I nod, smiling. “Yeah.” We’re not taking it slow, and we both know it. Neither of us says it out loud, though. We’re accomplices on this journey of restoring each other’s broken hearts. “I promise—”

“Don’t make me any promises, Logan,” she interrupts. “I don’t want to pressure you into anything.”


“Actually, I changed my mind. I do want you to make me one promise.” She pauses as if expecting me to say something. “Why aren’t you surprised?”

“I have three sisters. I know all women are bipolar.”

She throws her head back, laughing loud and long. God, I love her laughter, and I love being the reason for it. “That's one hell of a research-based conclusion there, but I fear you’re right.”

“So, what was that promise you wanted?”

“That you’ll never lie to me.”

“I promise.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance