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“I ruin everything. Your headboard, your phone.”

“Don’t forget the shirt,” I add in a low voice.

“What? I didn’t ruin your shirt.”

Gesturing to it, I challenge her. “The night’s still young.”

Within the next few minutes, I find out Nadine’s not only good at sewing clothes.

She excels at ripping them apart too.

Chapter Twelve


Thanks to the Bennett clan, I’m able to open the store ahead of schedule, and as the opening day approaches, my nerves stretch thinner. I’ll be opening four weeks before Christmas, and I’ve already decorated the shop. It’s warm and welcoming, even if there’s still work to be done. I send Mom a picture after I finish decorating, and she replies with a smi

ley face. God, I really want this shop to succeed, so I can bring Mom and Brian here. My stomach churns at the thought of going back to North Carolina if I fail. I dread this outcome now even more than I did before I moved, and I know why: Logan.

The Friday before the opening, he puts his foot down. I’ve been in the store the entire day, cleaning and polishing everything. Despite the fact that everything is in place ready for customers on Monday, I still feel it’s not ready.

“There’s nothing for you to do here anymore. You need to go out.”

“But I’m opening the store in three days,” I protest. “There must be something left to do. I just don’t remember it.” I tightly clutch the rag I’ve been using to clean the dust.

Logan gently puts one hand on my arm, tilting my chin up with the other.

“You’ve worked non-stop lately. You don’t sleep well, and you don’t eat much. Nadine, you’re exhausted. You need a break.”

His concern fills me with joy. I can’t believe he noticed all those things about me. He’s right, of course. I don’t sleep well, often waking up several times a night, remembering yet another task I must do and jotting it quickly on my phone, so I don’t forget it. Logan’s a light sleeper, so more often than not I also wake him. Then he’ll wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. Feeling his body cocooned to mine calms me every time. It gives me a sense of security.

But now, I’m in crazy mode. Surely, I have forgotten to do something. Logan seems to be reading my thoughts. His eyes narrow and just like that, he’s done being gentle.

“Do you like ballet?” he asks.

“Yes. I love it, but—”

“We’re going out. It’s not negotiable.” Snatching the rag out of my hand, he throws it on the counter. With nothing between us, he closes the distance and kisses me silly. I respond in kind, grabbing his hair, pressing my breasts against his steely chest. His cologne is intoxicating, his kiss even more so.

“You’re a caveman; you know that?” I mutter after we pull apart.

“I never pretended not to be.”

“You recommended yourself as a gentleman, when we first met. Turns out there’s as much ‘cave’ as there is ‘gentle’ in you, Mr. Bennett.”

“I call that well-rounded, Ms. Hawthorne.” He grins, and I can’t help but smile back. “Let’s go. If you don’t agree, I’m not above throwing you over my shoulder and walking into the theater. You need a break, Nadine. You’re going to get one whether you want it or not.”

How can I say no to his dark, piercing eyes? They’re full of concern and lust. It’s a sexy look on him but, then again, every look is sexy on Logan. I’m tempted to argue some more, to see if he’d actually throw me over his shoulder. I suspect he would, which sends jolts of heat down my center. I choose the peaceful way.

“Fine, what ballet are we watching?”

Logan gives a triumphant fist pump in the air. “The Nutcracker. Pippa, Blake, and Daniel will be there.”

I smile, threading my fingers at the back of his neck. “Oh, that’s fun.”

“We have to be there in two hours.”

I pout. “That doesn’t give me much time to prepare.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance