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Simon took her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. “Heather, that’s the one and only promise I’ll ever break. Because I love you and I’m going to spoil you today. And now that we’re engaged I’m going to spoil you for the rest of our lives.”

The rest of their lives. They were going to live together. Watch Finn grow up. Grow old together. One day they would tell this story to their grandchildren.

She took his hands and he got to his feet. “We’re engaged. Holy guacamole, Simon.”

“You said holy-guaca-moly,” Finn started giggling. “That’s silly.”

“We’re going to be a family for real now,” he said.

“We’ve always been a real family,” she told him.

Simon’s eyes were shining and he quickly looked down to focus on Finn. “Hey, buddy, since you kept the ring so safe, do you want to be my best man at the wedding?”

Finn nodded excitedly. “Yup. Hey, can I get the biggest slice of cake?”

“You sure can,” Simon said.

“I love you, Mom,” Finn said. “I love you, Dad.”

Simon blinked rapidly and lifted Finn up with one arm, then took Heather’s hand with his free hand. The hand that had the ring on her finger. He brought her hand to his lips and the gesture melted her heart.

“Let’s go to the top of the lighthouse,” he told her.

She smiled, too overcome with happiness to do anything more than nod. The sun finally sank behind the clouds, but the darkness never came. Instead, a beam of light emanated from the lighthouse, casting its warm glow over the sea.

As they gazed up at the light, she knew that their love would be the same. No matter how dark it got, the two lights in her life would always light her way.



The Secret







Worth Billions Blurb

SMALL TOWNS ARE FOR small minds. I left for college and never looked back.

Ensconced in my luxurious, and lucrative, vineyard, I barely ever spare a thought for my old life. Until I got word that my self-declared ‘godfather’ had passed and put me in charge of his estate.

Now I’ve got to go back to the town where the cows outnumber the people to put his affairs in order. I expected to see familiar faces, a little order, a lot worse for wear.

What I didn’t expect to see is the fresh-faced female who snuck into my bed, and who’s trying to sneak into my heart. But can I trust her, or is she after my bank account and not my affection?

Warning: This is a steamy romance story that includes adult content suitable for readers 18+

Chapter 1

Tags: Lexy Timms Billionaire Secrets Billionaire Romance