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"Now, Milla, I'm a commoner too. We all are." Alex tilted his head and grabbed the attention of the reporter. "Jamie’s most likely far more refined than I am. She's from a functional family and is honestly quite brilliant. I think we should be looking at a different Disney story. Perhaps Aladdin. Isn't that the one where the princess falls for a pauper who's trying to own the world?"

Milla laughed as Jamie tried to settle her nerves. "I love your humility, Alex. Is there nothing that we can crucify you on?"

"He's one of a kind." Jamie sat down and leaned back, crossing her legs as Alex turned his attention toward her.

"Jamie came to work for me as my personal assistant, and honestly I've never been more pleased. Our friendship turned into a relationship over time, and she stole my heart. I hadn't planned on ever being an eligible bachelor. I've always wanted to be a husband, a father..."

"So the two of you are getting married and then how long will it be before kids come into the picture?" Milla's eyebrows lifted as a smile played on her lips.

"A while," Jamie responded as Alex said, "Hopefully soon."

"A house divided. Interesting." Milla picked up her pen and tablet and scribbled a few things down.


lex cleared his throat. "We have a lot left to discuss, but one thing is for sure. This woman here has my heart."

"And tell me more about her. Where’s she from? Does she have a similar story as yours? A rags to riches story?" Milla kept her attention on Alex.

His phone buzzed, and he stood. "Ask her yourself, Milla. She's an open book much like I am. I need to grab this. Give me five minutes. I apologize."

The woman nodded and scribbled something down on the paper. Jamie expected her to turn and start asking questions, but she didn't. She wrote a few more things and then checked her phone. She sent Alex a quick text.

Okay. Coast is clear.

Alex walked back in and stopped by the table. "All good, or did you have anything else?"

"I was just going to ask about the situation that hit the tabloids with your secretary and one of your largest shareholders. Can you expand on what happened, or add some color to the reports that we released?" She stood and shuffled from one foot to the other.

"My secretary was truly coerced into helping a jealous shareholder try to take my firm down from the inside out. The information can be obtained through the government website on corporate responsibility for public companies. We pressed charges only because we had to. We were being implicated in several tax situations due to the discrepancies created by their disloyalty and dishonesty. I really have nothing more to say on the matter." Alex ran his hand through his chestnut hair and glanced down at Jamie, who sat quietly as nothing more than an observer. "Do you have anything to add, Jamie?"

"Nope. You said it perfectly." She gave a sweet smile, though her insides were tied in knots. She wanted to get out of the way and let Alex have his time with the press. She wasn't in the spotlight, and where that wasn't at all a problem, she certainly didn't enjoy being made to feel like she was part of the clean-up crew after the big event that was Alex Reid.

"We're going with the Cinderella story, if you're okay with that." Milla stood up and kept her attention on Alex. It wasn’t really a question. "It's going to sell in the magazine, and both of you will be represented as the great people you are."

"I'm fine with it. Come, let me show you out." Alex touched the back of the woman's shoulder as they walked from his office.

Jamie let out a short exhale and got up, walking to the window.

The door closed, and she glanced over her shoulder to see Alex standing just inside of it, looking at his phone. "Our stocks have shot up twenty percent because the world thinks something is going on just outside our building today. I guess they're expecting some type of large announcement thanks to these reporters crowding the sidewalk."

He chuckled and walked toward her, slipping his phone into his pocket and pulling her into a hug. "What's going on? You didn't say much of anything during that interview. And don't think I didn't notice that you disappeared for most of it. Don't like reporters?"

"I was just helping out by getting the coffee. The pot was empty." She shrugged and snuggled against his chest. "I really think you'd do better to take these next two on your own. I was going to finish typing your report that you wanted sent out today. I can add some charts and graphics, maybe put that new logo on the file that you were-"

"You're changing the subject." His eyebrow lifted as he pressed his forehead to hers. "What's going on? Don't think I don't know you well enough to know something is happening in that brilliant head of yours."

"Nothing, baby. I promise." She slid her hands up his strong chest. "I'm just ready to get the day started. I have a million things I want to get done."

"And you will get them done. I have to work late tonight. Just stay up here with me." He brushed his hands over the top of her rear. "We can mess around a little later after everyone leaves. I love having you in my office. It gives me something to daydream about every time I walk in here." He smirked.

"As lovely as that sounds, you know I'm trying to stick to a workout schedule. I want to get down about ten more pounds before we get married. Speaking of, we need to set a date." She wrapped her arms around his neck and locked eyes with him, loving how impossibly handsome he was. Breathtaking was more the word.

"You don't need to lose any weight. You look incredible. It's only my opinion that should matter, right?" He leaned down and nipped at her lips. "You're already smoking hot, Jamie. Stop worrying about your looks. I adore the way you look only slightly less than how much I enjoy how you feel."

She closed her eyes and lifted up on her toes, pressing her lips to his. The kiss was soft, loving, until his fingers slipped into her hair and he beckoned her to open her mouth to him. She tilted her head slightly and groaned as his tongue slid deep into her mouth, probing and exploring her in a way that left her panting for more.

"Stop worrying about all of this stuff. You're perfect, baby. I've told you that a million times." He nipped at her lips again and moved back, working to hide his erection.

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance