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"Damn, you're hot." He moved back and turned to face her as he reclined in his big leather chair.

"I'm all yours." She reached down and gripped his thighs tightly before moving down between them onto her knees.

"Yeah, you are." He slid his fingers into her hair and pulled her close with a quick jerking motion. "Forever."

"That's not nearly long enough." She licked his lips before pressing hers to his and running her fingers down his thigh and over the large bulge between his legs.

He groaned against her lips and leaned back, reaching to undo his pants and pull down the zipper. "I've been envisioning this moment since we talked about it."

Jamie nodded and tugged at his slacks, slipping them and his tight black underwear over his hips and half way down his thighs as his cock sprang from its cage. She reached up and stroked him a few times, loving how he verbalized his desires without inhibition.

"Taste me, Jamie." He touched the side of her face, tugging softly as her jaw. "Let me watch."

"Please do," she whispered and moved up, swirling her tongue around the meaty head of his cock before sucking on it softly.

He grunted and wrapped his hand around her hair, pulling her down to take more of him. She responded to his need, letting him take over and work himself in and out of her as he made sweet sounds of ecstasy.

"I'm so close," he breathed out, and held her in place as she looked up and locked gazes with him. Her tongue swirled around the top of him, teasing as he clenched his teeth together and gave her a warning look. "Not yet. I want more."

A knock at the door caused her to pull back.

"Alex. We need you. It's an emergency!" Kristen's voice was high-pitched and full of panic.

"Shit." Jamie got up and walked to the door, pausing as Alex pulled himself together and buttoned his jacket.

"Damn it! This had better be good. The building better be burning down." Alex let out an angry huff and moved past Jamie out into the hall. The sound of yelling was enough to cause her chest to fill with anxiety. The fact that it sounded like Paul and Mark made it worse.

Alex walked into their office and slammed the door behind him, leaving Jamie to stand at the closed door to try to figure out if she should go in or not. She glanced over her shoulder at Kristen. "What the hell happened?"

"I honestly don't know. Everything was fine a minute ago, and then Mark came up to the front and asked Paul if he could have word with him. Paul followed him back here, and that's when the yelling started. Something about a project they were working on together, but both of them just seem so much more upset about it than they should." She crossed her arms over her chest and gave a confused look.

"They're both interested in you. It's causing issues here at the office. Surely you know that." Jamie turned to face Kristen, trying to keep her voice even and not at all accusatory. Maybe the girl was as innocent as she looked.

"What? No way." She shook her head. "Mark told me a few weeks ago that he wasn't looking for anything serious. We've just been friends after that."

"And Paul? Not that it's honestly any of my business." Jamie pressed her hand to her forehead and rubbed softly. It wasn't her business, and her pushing some unfounded agenda onto Kristen as if the girl were trying to play two men was as bad as the press calling her a horny maid.

"No, it's okay." Kristen jumped as someone hit the wall. "Paul's interested, but I'm not sure how I feel. We're just friends for now. I keep telling him to stop hanging around my desk so much. I know it has to look bad. Maybe you or Alex could say something to him. He's a nice guy, and I like him, but I honestly don't want to be causing any trouble. That's the last thing I want. I'm just filling in until you guys can find someone else."

"We'll talk to him." Jamie reached out and squeezed the shorter woman's arm. "I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this. I'm sure you know that men can be idiots."

"Far more than I care to discuss." She gave a sad smile, and the brief history that Alex had shared about Kristen moved through Jamie's memory. The poor girl had been through hell in her younger years.

The door opened in front of them, and Kristen and Jamie took a step back.

"Paul. With me, please." Alex walked out and gave Jamie a quick look before turning and walking to his office. Paul didn't look at anyone as he followed Alex down the hall.

"We'll talk more about it later. Just get back to work, and everything’ll be fine." Jamie smiled.

"Okay. You know we have about ten women who've sent in unsolicited resumes for the secretary job. Some of them have dropped them off. How do you want to handle those?" She took a step back as if ready to get back to her desk.

"I'll grab them from you in a few minutes and review them. After I weed through them, we'll have Alex review them, and then you can call the candidates and invite them to

come in for a first round of interviews."

"Perfect, and Jamie, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I honestly didn't mean to. I try to run far from drama. I promise." She shrugged and turned around to walk back to the front. Jamie couldn't help but notice the slight downward curve of her shoulders.

"Hey." Jamie walked into Mark's office and shut the door. "That didn't go too well."

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance