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Alex's wrapped his fingers tightly around her arm. "I told you I had an important meeting today. You're more than capable of handling a group of men. I pay you quite well to make sure of that."

She turned. "Let go of my arm, Mr. Reid."

He dropped his hand from her and slipped his hands into his pockets as she signed the credit card receipt. "You know I don't like you hanging out with Nick."

"He's one of your investors. I'm not sure what you want me to do." She glanced back to see Annette smiling in their direction. The saucy witch lifted her hand and waved as if they were friends. "And I hate the fact that, instead of talking with Annette at the office, you have her on a lunch date. Your timing couldn't be worse." She leaned forward. “Why the hell would you come here? Of all places?”

"I’m trying to figure this out." Alex got in her face, his jaw clenching as anger race over his handsome face.

She poked her finger into his chest. "Then do it later this week. The problem isn't going anywhere, but these investors will. And use your brain. Showing her off here is just trying to hurt me."

“I didn’t know you would take them to lunch here.” His jaw muscles twitched as he spoke.

“Really?” She checked her watch. “I have to get back to my job.”

"You're not riding back with Nick. It's not happening." He pushed her finger away from his chest. "You work for me, and you're on my time right now."

She let out a hard laugh. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Not at all. You're my PA. You're riding back with me. Give me ten minutes to get Annette a cab, and we'll leave." The tone of his voice and demeaning look in his eye caused her anger to roar to life as well.

"A cab? Did you ride over here with her?" Her heart contracted in her chest.

"Yes. It's nothing like what you think."

"No? You're maybe having a kid with her, Alex. Why would it be anything like I would think? Your slutty PA likes to think about sex in a car. So typical of dim-witted bimbos." She tucked the card back in her purse. "I'll see you at the office. Don't tell me who I can or cannot ride with. I obviously have no say over you doing so."

"I'm not kidding about you riding with Nick, Jamie. I'll not have it." He popped his hand on the bar, causing the bartender to glance up.

"You okay, miss?" The rough-looking barkeep asked.

"Yes. Thank you." She looked at Alex incredulously. "Are you seriously doing this right now?"

"I am. I'm tired of letting people think they can run all over me." He closed his eyes and took a slow breath, as if trying to rein in his emotions.

"Alex?" Annette had moved up behind him without either of them noticing. "And Janine, right?” She flashed a fake smile, purposely getting Jamie’s name wrong. “I’d say that it's nice to see you again, but I'm on a time table today. You're taking up a chunk of the best part of it, so would you move along? Help everyone out."

"Excuse me?" Jamie stiffened not only at the sound of the other woman's voice, but at her callous words as well.

"We're leaving. I'll see you later this week, Annette. Have the test and the doctor information with you, or fuck off. I'm not interested in anything else you have to offer." Alex’s tone was steady and left no room for discussion.

Jamie tugged her purse back onto her shoulder as Annette mumbled something under her breath and turned to go. "I hate that bitch."

"And I hate Nicholas. Let's go."

"No. I'm not leaving Nicholas to ride back to the office without one of us. It's inappropriate, Alex. You go ride with him and I'll take your car back. You're being ridiculous about this." She gave him a warning look.

"Am I? He's completely taken by you, and you don't seem too put off by him. He's too old for you, and yet he seems to be wheedling his way into your life."

"I'm not doing this. You're upset about Annette and making everything else suffer because of it. Your notes are on your desk for this afternoon. I had Gina retype them for you." She reached out and pressed her hands to the lapel of his jacket. "I'll see you back at the office. Good luck today."

"You work for me, Jamie. If you ride with him, I'll write you up. Three write-ups and you're gone."

Did he just say that?

He was grasping at straws, and had obviously lost his damn mind. She chuckled, not quite sure what else to do but play hardball with him. "Do what you need to do, but if you write me up... find a new PA. I'm not a child, and you're not my keeper. Everything I've done has been for the good of your company. Your words cut deep, but that was your intent. We. Are. On. A. Break. You’re just my boss; I’m just your PA who is doing everything she can for the company while the boss acts like a lunatic." She turned and walked to the door, smiling at Nicholas as he held the car door open for her.

"Everything okay?"

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance