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It better. He promised his dying father that it would.

Not following through on the promise wasn't something she would want to live with. She couldn't imagine Alex wanting to either.

Chapter 5

Jamie drove home in silence after work, not wanting the radio to interrupt her internal meanderings. She wanted a long workout session and maybe a swim before having to meet up with Alex. His text from earlier that day said that he wanted to get together for dinner up at his house. She figured they would be cooking together, which she felt would lead to the feeling of intimacy.

They would make love half the night if she left things up to him, but she had some decisions to make. The conversation with her father that morning had re-solidified in her mind that where she didn't feel deserving of a good man, she was. Was Alex that guy?

He certainly seemed like it, and yet his wanting to hide their relationship left her questioning everything. A night of making love with him would only complicate things farther, and yet she needed time in his arms. It was the desire to be loved, to be wanted, to finally be accepted by someone who appeared to be great.

She growled at her indecision, and parked the car before moving quickly into her small space and changing into her workout clothes. Walking back toward the gym, she thought back on the conversation with Paul.

It was nice to know Alex had deemed her his own, and had forced that thought on the new intern, who was a little too friendly and confidently ballsy. But why make it known and yet not allow anyone to know? It made no damn sense at all.

She walked into the gym and started to work through the various machines that would give her a full-body workout. Turning up her music, she lost herself in the moment, not thinking about Alex or her family. For the upcoming hour, it was just about her.

By the time she was done, she was drenched in sweat and gasping for air. It felt incredible; a high like sex with Alex felt.

"Speaking of," she grumbled and walked into the elaborate shower in the locker room. She wanted a night with her man, and if having to talk him through her feelings being hurt, or prove to him why he was being an ass without having to actually come out and say it was the charge, she was all for it.

Dinner, a movie, and sex sounded like a great night. Going back to Philadelphia not so much, but she could take the good with the bad.

She had just finished braiding her long wet hair when her phone buzzed. She hit the talk button and leaned over, spreading a light coating of pink lip gloss on her lips.


"Hey, baby. When are you coming up here?"

"Ten minutes. I just got out of the shower."

"And you didn't think to invite me?" The pout in his voice was almost cute. Almost.

"Nope. I worked out and tried to decide if I wanted to spend the night curled up with a good book about a man who showed off his woman, or have dinner with a handsome bachelor."

"Jamie," his voice softened.

"I'll be up shortly." She pressed the button to end the call.

A growl left her as she turned her head slightly, studying herself in the mirror. The weight loss had been good for her face, having slimmed it down nicely, but, like most women, another flaw popped up in its place. "I thought you weren't going to say anything. Needy bitch." She shook her head and wal

ked to the bedroom to get dressed.

A simple white dress with sandals, sexy lace panties, and a bracelet or two and she was out the door. It was a beautiful evening, the sun having just begun its descent at the far end of the sky.

She couldn't help but stop and enjoy the majesty of it as it sank down lower and lower. The large wrap-around porch on the back of Alex's mansion was her favorite part of the whole place. It reminded her of something out of the Victorian era; entrancing and filled with beauty.

The door opened behind her and she glanced back, giving Alex a warm smile.

"Were you waiting for an invitation? You're cordially invited to come in and make my night exceedingly better than it could ever be without you." He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a soft kiss just below her ear.

"I was coming in. I just love it out here. It feels great, and the sun almost looks close enough to reach from up here." She smiled and leaned against him, loving the feel of his strong arms locked around her.

"I upset you. Forgive me." He brushed his nose up the column of her neck. "We can tell the world about us if you want to. I'm just trying to figure everything out from a personal and business perspective. Life gets a little complicated when the spotlight shines on you. I hate it."

"It's okay.” She’d stressed about it for a couple of days and now she was telling him it was fine? Idiot. “Just old demons I'm going to fight my whole life, I guess." She turned in his arms and slid her hands up his chest. His cream-colored Oxford sweater looked damn good on him. She knew it would look better off.

"I never want to be a part of making you feel like you aren't everything that you are." He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. "You're far beyond anything I deserve. I'm thrilled that you even decided to give me a chance, Jamie."

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance