Page 42 of Nervous

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How did he know I hid out in my apartment?

“This is what we’re going to do. Within the next month, I’m going to take you to at least one movie, one play, and one museum. Deal?”

“Deal.” I tried to cover my blush my putting the menu up closer to my face. “Thank you.”

“There’s no need to thank me. Thank you for agreeing to spend at least three more evenings with me.”

I blushed so hard, I thought my cheeks would explode.

We enjoyed a delicious meal: rosemary chicken with tarragon sauce, garlic mashed potatoes, and steamed asparagus. Mason convinced me to dabble with a little wine so we shared a bottle of Kendell-Jackson Chardonnay. It was smooth-tasting but left me a bit tipsy.

Mason asked, “How about a dance?”

I wasn’t secure about being able to get up without falling right back down on my ass but I said, “Sure.”

The band was playing a jazzy version of Jagged Edge’s “Goodbye.” When Mason took me into his arms, I had never felt more protected or warm. I laid my head on his chest and got lost in the total experience. Then he made an extraordinary evening even more perfect by lifting my chin and fervently kissing me.

When we returned to my place, we spent an entire hour “making out.” That was another first for me and I was thoroughly comfortable with it until . . .

. . . he tried to slip his fingers inside my panties, which were soaking wet.

I pushed him away and said, “I’m sorry. I’m just not ready.”

Mason didn’t get mad or cop an attitude at all. He kissed me on the forehead and said, “Thanks again for the lovely evening.”

I grinned. “No, thank you.”

He got up from the sofa and let himself out, saying, “I’ll see you later,” as he shut the door behind him. I remained on the sofa for a good fifteen minutes, just lying there and pondering the possibilities. It was time to pay another visit to Dr. Spencer.



It was Monday and time for my next appointment. For some reason, it felt like I was floating on air as I made my way down the hallway to Dr. Spencer’s office. Mason had changed me for the better and I was determined to improve my situation even further. No matter what it took, I was going to find an inner peace.

“Did I ever tell you how I found out about you?” I asked Marcella after I was seated on her chaise lounge.

“No, how?” she replied. “I would guess that someone referred you but I don’t often ask who.”

“Zoe Reynard suggested that I contact you.”

A huge grin came across her face, like I had mentioned her best friend or something. “Aw, Zoe. She’s wonderful, isn’t she?”

“From what I’ve seen, yes, she is.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, how do you know Zoe?”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there. Then again, I was paying to see a psychiatrist so if I couldn’t tell her everything, who could I tell? “I don’t really know her. She’s very active in these meetings I used to attend.”

“I assume you mean the sexual addiction meetings at the hospital,” Marcella said.


“When you say used to, does that mean you no longer go to them?”

“I haven’t been for the last few weeks.”

“Any particular reason?”

Tags: Zane Erotic