Page 41 of Nervous

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“Let’s just say that I have a lot of emotional baggage that I’m hauling around with me.”

“Don’t we all?” Mason asked. He reached for me and gently rubbed my shoulder. “Jonquinette, I don’t profess to be some sort of saint. I’ve had troubled relationships in my past. I’m not about to give up on finding Ms. Right, though. Life is short and I intend to share mine with someone.”

“So you’re looking for a serious relationship?” I asked, because I knew that if I entered into any type of relationship at that point in my life, it would have to be a committed one. Dating numerous men was definitely out of the question. Besides, Mason was the only man I had ever been willing to take the risk for anyway.

“Eventually,” he responded. He slid his hand all the way down my arm and took my hand. “I won’t lie to you or attempt to deceive you. No one ever knows where something might lead. But, I’m at the point in my life where I could see myself settling down with my soul mate.” He leaned over and kissed me on the corner of my mouth. “I’m only being so persistent with you because I have a feeling that you might be her.”

“Then again, I might not be her,” I stated halfhearted. If I was crazy, then I certainly wasn’t the one for him or anyone else.

“There’s only one way to find out,” he said and stood up, pulling me up with him. “So, are we going out to dinner or not?”

I strained my mouth into a smile. “Sure. Why not?”

Mason gave me a strong hug. “Exactly. Why not?”

• • •

Less than thirty minutes later, we were being seated at a nice, cozy table at the Skyy Club. “This is a nice restaurant,” I commented.

Mason opened up his menu. “I’m glad you like it.”

“Do you come here often?” I asked.

“No, this is my first time here. One of my buddies told me about the place at work. He said it had a remarkable atmosphere and appetizing food.”

The place definitely had charm and the aroma throughout the restaurant was mouth-watering. “Well, he was right on both counts.” There was a band playing that was also incredible. “The music is wonderful

also,” I added.

“So tell me more about yourself, Jonquinette.”

“I’m an accountant for an office supply company and that’s about it. I generally go to work and come home. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a quality control manager for a biomedical company.”

“That sounds major. Are you a brainiac?”

“Not hardly. My parents kind of forced me into the profession. They thought it would pay well and get me out of their house before I turned forty.”

We both laughed.

“It’s true that a lot of college graduates are having problems making it solo,” I said.

“Well, you seem to be holding your own.”

“I don’t really have a choice. My father is no longer in my life and my mother is not the type of person to live with. She would drive me plum foolish. So I definitely have to make it by myself.”

I was hoping Mason didn’t ask me for more details about my parents.

“What other things do you enjoy doing?” he asked.

I shrugged because I honestly didn’t know.

“Do you like movies? Plays? Museums?”

I shrugged again. “I suppose I like all of the above but it has been ages since I’ve been to any of them,” I replied honestly.

“Well, we’ll have to change that. We can’t have you hiding out in your apartment, missing out on the finer things in life.”

Tags: Zane Erotic