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"But I do know how to order delicious wine. The kind that will make you turn up your nose at anything less.”

My cheeks flush, and I readjust my legs loving the sound of his voice and the promises of more. "I could drink some fabulous wine. And I promise no more talk about self-defense or guns."

He reaches his hand out and holds mine again. Somehow his pa

lm seems to have taken on even more moisture. I try my best to ignore it.

"Good, I may not own a gun, but I do know how to call the police."

I nod, and repeat to myself: I won't let Matteo make me afraid. I won't fear him.

I push away all thoughts of Matteo and enjoy my meal with Saul. I drink fabulous wine and eat delicious food. And I let ideas of all the ways that I want Saul to fuck me creep in like I would on any other date. His hands may be clammy, and the words that leave his mouth may be dull, but when he moves, I can see his biceps flex beneath his suit jacket. When he does grin, it reaches his deep blue eyes, inviting me in. And I have noticed his cock straining against the zipper on his pants more than once tonight. I do not doubt that he’s incredible in bed.

I take the last bite of my chocolate dessert, savoring it slowly in my mouth before I swallow it down. I moan a little at the richness and glance over at Saul staring at me like he wants to eat me for dessert. I glance down at his erection that is straining against his pants. My lips part. I can't wait.

"You had your fun. Now tell me where Nina and Arlo are or I'm taking you with me."

I don't have to turn around to recognize that it's Matteo standing behind me.


My eyes cut over to Saul, whose eyes are bulging up at Matteo. Saul’s scared shitless. Why couldn't I have been set up with a Navy SEAL or something? This man is utterly useless to me.

Matteo places his hand on my shoulder, gripping it firmly, letting me know that he's in control. I grab his hand, zeroing in on his pinky finger, and twist hard, ensuring that it breaks.

“Son of a bitch,” Matteo says, pulling his hand back from me to tend to his wound.

I stand up and turn to face him with a set jaw and my chin high.

His finger is bent backward in a way that no finger should bend.

"You bitch. You broke my finger."

"I did."

"Do you know who I am? I'm a monster now. King of everything evil. Your little tantrums won’t protect you from my army."

I smirk. "I put away monsters every day. I can handle you." I pick up my purse and turn to Saul. "We’re leaving."

Saul stands and hurries past us, not bothering to wait for me. Some gentleman he is. I follow after him, Matteo won't be far behind.

I always knew that there was evil in this world. I just didn't realize evil would ever come for me.



Damn, this woman.

My finger stings like a bitch. You’d think I'd be used to the pain, but I'm not. Living the life that I do, puts me in dangerous situations every day. But that's what my men are for, taking bullets for me. I rarely, if ever, have to deal with the agony myself. It's only a broken finger, but it still hurts like hell.

I've only ever broken a bone once before. When Arlo and I were fighting as teenagers, trying to prove who was better, stronger. He won, of course, breaking my jaw with a hard punch in my face, knocking me out cold.

I never expected Eden, of all people, to be the one to break one of my bones. I’ll make her pay for it, of course.

I need Nina. I thought I was okay when she chose Arlo. I thought I could live without her, but I can't. She haunts my dreams and forms my nightmares. Everything makes me think of her. Everything makes me want her. She tortures me, and she's not even here. I'm addicted to her. I can't be apart from her.

And my idiot brother needs to be punished for what he did. I don’t care that he’s my brother. As the new leader, he needs to know that there are consequences to crossing me, whoever you are. For taking her from me. For abandoning me when I need him the most. I thought I could always count on him. I was wrong.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic