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I watch as he digs in the desk drawer before pulling out a stack of papers. He hands one stack to me and one to Killian.

“These are the terms of Robert’s will. It includes everything that the two of you need to do in order to inherit his shares of the company. There is also a copy of my will and what you will need to do to get my shares as well. It also includes what we expect before we’ll make you CEO, Killian,” he says, staring at Killian now.

He nods.

“Both of you need to read it over in the next couple of days, so you understand everything.” He focuses his attention on Killian, like he is the only one who gets a say in any of this. “You have one month to decide. That’s all I can give you. I’ll need an answer then.”

“Of course,” Killian says. He glances down at his watch. “I’m sorry to cut this meeting short, but I have another meeting I need to get to.”

Granddad stands, smiling. “Don’t worry, Killian. I’m having Tony cover the meeting today. Instead, I have a reservation for you two at the new restaurant downstairs.”

“Sir, I’m not sure Tony is the best man for the job. He’s not up-to-date yet on the new systems.”

“I agree, but this”—Granddad points to me and then back to Killian—“is a more pressing issue at the moment.”

Killian glares at my grandfather but doesn’t argue again.

He turns to me. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”

“Yes.” My answer isn’t forced. I want to have lunch with Killian.

I have a lot of questions for him. Why the hell did he agree to marry a complete stranger? And did he know who I was when he stared at me from across the blackjack table? Did he know exactly what he was doing when he seduced me? Because the longer I know Killian, the more I have a strange feeling that he did.

I stare down at the menu. I haven’t said a word since we left my father’s office. Killian hasn’t either. I think he’s giving me time to process everything. I try to look at the menu to at least make up my mind on what I’m going to eat. Then, I can focus on what just happened.

“What can I get you to drink?” the bubbly waitress asks.

“Um…” I say. I take a deep breath, trying to decide what wine I want. I want wine—no, I need wine to get through this, but I have no idea about wines. I eye a delicious-looking cheeseburger as a waitress passes by with it before placing it on the table next to us.

“We will both have a glass of Chateau Margaux Bordeaux ’61, if you have it. If not, then ’82. We will have the vegetables and hummus appetizer. And we will both have the salmon with asparagus.”

I glare at Killian as the waitress takes our menus away.

“What was that?”

“What?” he asks innocently.

“Why did you order for me? And why did you order the salmon? I’m not a health nut like you. I wanted the burger.”

“Health nut, huh?” He casually leans back in his chair. “I just didn’t want to give you too much to think about right now. I knew you liked the wine, and after the breakfast you had, you need some vegetables and healthy protein to keep you going today.”

I shake my head. “You have no idea what I need.”

The waitress quickly brings the wine, and I’m at least thankful he ordered my favorite wine. I need to write that down, so I know what to order in the future.

I sip as I try to process what just happened, so I’ll know where to start with my questioning. My brain immediately goes to the moment in my father’s office. I literally choked. God, that was so embarrassing. What is surprising though was his reaction. When he saw me, he didn’t seem the least bit surprised. Not even the best actor in the world would have been able to hide some sort of reaction of surprise when he saw me. I’ve studied enough actors’ reactions to know a truthful one from a fake one. His was truthful.

I deepen my glare. “You already knew who I was. Last night, when you sat down at that blackjack table, you already knew who I was.”

“Yes,” he says.

“Why would you do that? Why would you lead me on like that when you already knew? You lied to me! You made me believe I could find someone on my own. Instead, you were prearranged. Did my grandfather put you up to it? Did he want you to seduce me before we met? Did you two think I would be happy then, if I already liked you when I found out it was you?”

My face flushes bright red again, but this time, it’s mostly out of anger and only a little bit from embarrassment. Everyone knew, except for me.

“I didn’t initially go to the casino, seeking you out, last night. I went there for the same reason as you, I’m guessing. I was mourning a man I deeply cared about, and I thought gambling like I used to with him would be the best way to honor that man.”

“Wait, my father went gambling with you?”

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic