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“I met a woman tonight who was not too happy about me marrying Gabe. She wanted him for herself. She asked me to give her number to Gabe if he ever needed help with redecorating. But I knew it was her saying that she didn’t care that we were married, that she would still try to go after him.”

“We have our plane,” I agree.

I’m not sure I believe that this is gonna work until we pull up at the airport, and there is the plane waiting for us. Still, I don’t think it’s gonna work, and we all load and carry the guns we bought as we board the plane, expecting Gabe or his men to be sitting on it, ready to ambush us the second we get on. But there is none. Apparently, a woman scorned and in love will do just about anything to have a chance at her ex-lover again.

It’s not a huge plane, but it’s enough for the four of us.

“Where to?” the pilot asks as he ducks his head into the main cabin of the plane.

“Vancouver,” Levi says.

Skye looks at him like he’s crazy. But the pilot just nods and heads back to the cockpit.

Skye takes a seat in the back, and I take the seat right next to her. “Seriously? Vancouver? Can’t find a place a little further away to head to?”

I look at Levi.

“I have some friends in Vancouver who might be able to help.”

I reach over and rub Skye’s neck, trying to get her to relax. “I’m going to save you.”

She grins. “Sure you are.”

We all buckle our seat belts, and the plane takes off shortly afterward. It’s only then that I realize her hands are still tied together. When we are safely in the air, I unbuckle my seat belt, and she undoes hers. I motion with her to follow me to the back. She does. We barely draw attention as Levi and Noah talk strategy in front of us.

I’m hoping there’s some sort of bedroom or at least a large bathroom in the back of the plane, but there’s none. Just a tiny-ass bathroom that’s no bigger than a bathroom on a commercial jet. Still, I pull her inside and close the door behind us.

“Finally,” she exhales as she throws her tired arms up over my head and around my neck.

Our lips crash together in a passionate kiss that beats all others. I’ve never needed a woman so much in my life, and it’s clear she’s never needed me more than now. Our tongues tangle and our breathing becomes one as our kisses dig deeper into each other’s smiles. But she is still wearing her wedding dress that she got married to Gabe in.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you before you had to marry him.”

Her lips kiss me again hard. “I don’t care. Marriage means nothing to me.”

Her voice is sharp, like a woman scorned, not willing to get back into love again.

It’s something I’ll have to work on later. As desperate as she is for my body, if we survive all this, I’m not sure she’ll be as desperate for a relationship with me, as I am with her.

“Fuck me, Brody. Please,” she cries into my lips, her entire body begging for me but not being able to do anything about it because her hands are tied and currently locked around my neck.

I lift her dress up and push down the thin white lace panties, finding her tight cunt and pushing two fingers inside. She’s soaked and ready for me to enter her in a second, so that’s exactly what I do. If there’s anything I’ve learned through this, it’s that there is no promise for a tomorrow. Not even another minute or another second.

I push down my pants and pull out a condom, slipping it on just in time as she wraps her legs around me, and I push my cock inside her. I fuck her hard over and over in the tiny bathroom on a plane. Any other time, I would be reveling in the coolness of getting to fuck a woman on a private jet. Any other time, I’d be telling her to be quiet so that my friends wouldn’t hear her, and I would get to keep her cries all to myself. Any other time, I would do all those things and more. But not today. Today, I’m just going to fuck her as many times as I can. Because, despite my words of promising her that I can save her, I’m not sure that I can. All I can do is fuck her and take away her pain, however temporarily.



I should be scared, but I’m not. Brody has a way to make me feel safe even though he has no idea what he’s doing. Even now, there is no way to save me. Not from a crazy man like Gabe. And especially not when we have no skills compared to Gabe.

I feel the light peeking into the room, and I open my eyes. All the boys are sitting around the room on their computers, typing furiously fast. We all stayed in the same hotel room last night so that we could pay with cash and hopefully make it a little bit harder for Gabe to find us. Brody and I slept on the bed. Noah, the couch. And Levi slept on the floor.

“Morning,” Brody says, getting up from his computer and walking over to the bed to firmly kiss me on the lips.

The kiss makes my insides warm. I could get used to waking up to kisses like that every morning.

Tags: Ella Miles Dirty Erotic