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We got one month with the twins. One month to revel in our new role as parents. One month of peace. One month of happiness.

And then one text message changed everything.

“He found us,” Beckett says, racing into our bedroom.

Kai is feeding Finn, and I’m rocking Ellie to sleep in my arms. He didn’t knock. He didn’t wait to make sure we were decent. He just barged in, and from the frantic look on his face, I know this is the moment our time is up.

I wanted to be the one to attack. Be on the offensive. But every time I formed a plan with Beckett, I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t leave these babies without provocation. I couldn’t leave Kai. But it seems now is the time.

Beckett crawls up our bed and lays down between Kai and me, holding out his phone so we can all read the text message.

Felix has found us.

Or at least, he found Beckett’s cell phone number.

* * *

Felix: The final game is happening in one week. I’m giving you one week to prepare as a courtesy. I’m not a monster, after all.

* * *

I grab the phone from Beckett’s hand and type furiously.

* * *

Me: You are a monster. We won’t be coming. You can take the crown. We don’t want it.

* * *

Felix: I tried. I can’t. Not without the final game. The men won’t accept me as their leader. I can’t get access to the money or weapons without the final game.

* * *

Me: We aren’t coming.

* * *

Felix: That’s too bad. I don’t usually like to kill children and pretty blondes but I will if you don’t show up.

* * *

My mouth goes dry in panic. And then Felix sends pictures, and I about lose my shit.

The first one is of Liesel, tied to a chair in a dark room. Mascara is running down her cheeks, and a gag is in her mouth. She was the first girl I ever loved, not in the same way I love Kai, but she opened my heart to the ability to love Kai. And now…now Felix will kill her if I don’t do something.

The second picture fills me with a rage I didn’t know was possible until I became a father.

It’s a picture of a young boy, around three years old, I would guess. His eyes are big and puffy from crying, he’s in a small dark closet, and the bastard had the audacity to tie his little wrists together.

The child is my brother, well my half-brother, as every man and boy in my life turns out is related to me in some way. And that cuts me even worse, I not only didn’t know of the boy’s existence but failed in protecting him from a monster.

* * *

Me: Return the boy to his parents. Liesel is enough to get us to come.

* * *

Felix: Oh, but, Liesel is his parent. And I think I’ll be keeping him. Better motivation. One week. Meet in Miami where your house once stood. Both of you. If Kai doesn’t show up, I’ll kill the boy.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark