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“At first, I couldn’t remember that night. I couldn’t remember what happened or why, same as you. That wasn’t a lie. I never meant to lie to you; I just didn’t think my past mattered. I didn’t want you to try to convince me that I was abused in any way. I’m not a victim. I don’t need help.

“That’s what I thought. I didn’t realize that my first love really messed me up, that the abuse wasn’t physical, it wasn’t in my face every day, but it was there. It’s going to take a lot more healing, but I realize that now. When we got together, we were never supposed to last, and I didn’t want to heal.”

I look at Sebastian again. “You were the one who helped me heal. You helped me realize that I was hurt. That my past relationships weren’t healthy. And I’ve been getting help. That’s why I’ve been talking with Larkyn. She’s been getting me counseling.”

I exhale another breath. “Here is what I remember of that night.”

I order a drink at the hotel bar next to Sebastian while we wait, hoping that soon we will hear from Oaklee or Boden to let us know they want to head to chapel to get married still. Or at least to tell us something.

Just as I get my drink, though, I see Oaklee in her wedding dress with mascara stained tears running down her eyes.

I exchange a glance with Sebastian.

“Go, I’ll pay for your drink and then find Boden. Here’s my number.” He takes my phone and programs his number into it. “Text me and keep me in the loop, and I’ll do the same.”

I nod and then run to her, pulling her back into my arms. I had hoped they would work it out. They needed to work it out. They love each other. They seemed to be working it out in the elevator.

“Talk to me, Oaklee. Tell me what happened.”

“I can’t. I just can’t.”

“Shh, it’s okay. What can I do to help? Do you want me to get you a different room? Do you want to change out of your dress? Get a drink?”

“I don’t know,” she sobs.

I take a deep breath and walk us over the hotel desk clerk. “Can you get us a room with a double bed and have her bags brought from the honeymoon suite?”

An hour later, Oaklee and I have both changed clothes and are settled into a new hotel room. But she still hasn’t talked to me.

“Where is Boden?” she asks.

“Let me find out.”

I pull up my phone to text Sebastian. He types back the name of a club.

I show Oaklee against my better judgment.

“Let’s go,” she says.

“Why are we going to the club? Oaklee, you need to tell me what happened. Why didn’t you get married? Why did you break up?”

“I’m pregnant. I told him, and he ran. He said he didn’t believe it was his, and that he never wanted kids.”

“Oh, sweetie.” I hold her as we both cry and cry and cry.

Finally, she pulls away. “Let’s go.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

She flashes me a look that says she’s going, whether I’m coming or not. Boden is about to get his balls chopped off by one angry woman. I can’t stop her, but I can join her. That’s what best friends do.

“Let’s go.” I grab my purse, and then we head to the club to go chew Boden out.

The club isn’t just any club. It’s a strip club, which I guess shouldn’t surprise me. What does surprise me is what we see. Boden and Sebastian with two women dancing over them. Both seem to be making out with the women, and Sebastian seems to be encouraging Boden to go further.

The scene stops me in my tracks, but it doesn’t stop Oaklee. She marches over to Boden and slaps him square in the face and yells something at him before I can stop her.

Sebastian realizes what’s happening and stands before she slaps him too.

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance