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“That’s awesome. Where has she been working? Is she still at the yoga studio?” Axel asks.

Sebastian grins. “No, actually, Larkyn and I started a business together. A non-profit. It’s a healing center meant to help people that are struggling. It provides them a place to stay, people to talk to, and connects them with the treatment they may need. Larkyn’s been running it with me. She occasionally helps teach a yoga or fitness class, but she mainly runs it as my business partner.”

I listen to Sebastian. I can’t help it. But then I already knew what she was doing because as much as I should leave her alone, I can’t help but stalk her online.

“Is she seeing anyone?” Axel asks, his eyes cutting to me.

I growl.

Both men smirk. “Not that I’m aware of, but then again, we are only business partners. She doesn’t tell me everything,” Sebastian says.

“Okay, you’ve had your fun. Get out,” I say, annoyed with both my best friend and brother.

Sebastian and Axel laugh. Sebastian stands. “Fine, fine. I’m going.”

Sebastian’s phone buzzes, and he pulls it out of his pocket. “Hey, Larkyn.” He smirks at me as he answers the phone.

My blood is boiling, but I also really want to hear her voice on the other side of the phone, so much that I lean over the bar so that if an opportunity presents itself, I can snatch the phone out of Sebastion’s hands.

“Wait Larkyn, slow down. What do you mean he’s out?”

My heart stops. I don’t know what’s happening, but I hate the way Sebastian’s voice just hiked up several octaves higher.

“No, don’t leave your house. You have a security system, and he shouldn’t be able to find where you live. I’ll be there in five. Lock all the doors, and arm the security system until I get there. And try to relax. He’s not going to come straight for you after getting out of prison. I’ll call my lawyer on the way over and see what’s happening with his case and if he’ll end up back in prison soon,” Sebastian says.

“Nathan got released on bail?” I ask, unable to contain my anger in my voice.

Sebastian nods.

“I have to go,” I say, as I hop over the bar and start running toward my car. I hear Sebastian behind me, but don’t wait for him.

I run and jump into my McLaren in one motion, enter the address I know she’s lives at into my phone, and then take off as the directions appear on my phone. I’ve never driven by Larkyn’s house, but I had my lawyer find her new address for emergencies like this or for when I couldn’t stand to be apart from her for another second.

If Nathan so much as lays a hand on her, I’ll kill him. Larkyn has been through enough. He doesn’t get to touch her. Ever. She’s mine.

He was supposed to stay locked up this time. I reported that he was dealing cocaine again, even though, I didn’t have evidence. Just a hunch. My statement was enough for his parole officer to do a random search. Turns out he was dealing again. He was supposed to be locked up again for years.

It takes me five minutes to get to the address. I park my car, but don’t even bother to turn off the ignition. I need to get to her. Last time Nathan was released, he went straight for her. I won’t let him hurt her again.

I run up the driveway and take in the cute modest house in front of me. It definitely isn’t a million dollar house, but I wasn’t expecting it to be. It looks exactly like Larkyn. Independent, adorable, and perfect.

I knock on the door, pounding loudly with everything I have while I beg her to answer. She can hate me, but I need to see that she is alright.

The door creeps open the tiniest crack so that I can only see her head as she peers around the door.

“What are you doing here?” she asks.

“What are you doing answering the door when there is a known criminal on the loose?”

She frowns. “I saw you on my security camera Sebastian helped me install.” She nods toward the corner of her porch. I see the tiny camera staring right at me.

“Let me in. I want to stay with you until Nathan goes back to prison.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t think that is a good idea. Sebastian will be here any minute to help. And I’ve already spoken with the police. There is nothing we can do until his next trial date later this month. He’s out on bail.”

“Please, let me stay. I won’t be able to breathe if I don’t know you are safe,” I say, looking deep into her eyes and I can see her caving. She wants me here as much as I want to be here.

I put my hand on the door, gently pushing it open, hoping that once it’s open, she will invite me in.

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance