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But now, he made me come with just his cock, and I never want to come without his cock again.

He doesn’t lower me immediately after we both come. Nor does he remove his cock. We stay locked, holding on to every last fleeting moment of pleasure. Because even though this is only the second time we’ve fucked, our time together is only for a year. And our agreement doesn’t mean that we have to have sex for the entire year either. Although, I plan on taking advantage of every day of our year together.

He nibbles on my lip. “I’m hungry and need a shower. Let’s order food, and then shower together while we wait for the food.”

“Shower together?” I ask, stupidly.

He chuckles. “I forget how inexperienced you are when you fuck me like that. But yes, I plan on fucking you every way I can, in every place I can. Shower, kitchen, bedroom, living room, public places, everywhere.”

He gently lowers me down to my feet. He winks and picks up his jeans to dig out his phone.

I lean against the wall, smiling like an idiot.

“Sushi, okay?” Kade asks.

“Yes,” I say, taking a step forward. But my heels don’t hold me, and I fall in a heap to the floor. My injured wrist catches myself on the floor, and the sharp pain immediately reminds me that although most of the bruises have healed enough to be covered with makeup, my wrist and leg have not.

Kade is kneeling in front of me in seconds. He gently holds out his hand to me, as I hold my injured wrist tenderly.

“Let me see,” he says sternly.

I hold out my wrist that is red and inflamed. He takes it in his hand eyeing it carefully with concern on his face before he kisses it carefully.

“I’ll go get some ice and see if I can find any painkillers,” he says.

He leaves me sitting naked on the carpet of my bedroom as he heads to the kitchen.

“This changes nothing! We are still having shower sex!” I holler after him.

I hear him chuckle. “Only if you wear your brace,” he hollers back as I listen to him open the freezer and scrape out some ice.

“Fine!” I shout back. My wrist hurts, and I’ll do anything for another opportunity to have sex with Kade. We are going to need some boundaries if this is how I feel after only the second time fucking. Maybe the more we do it, the less effect it will have on me.

I try moving my wrist, but it burns to move it at all, so instead, I lie it carefully on my knee. I kick off my heels that I never plan on wearing again. They are the damn reason I keep falling. I wait patiently for Kade to return.

I don’t know if it’s the pain in my wrist, or if Kade is really slow at getting ice that makes the time move by so slowly.

“Kade, I only need a small bag of ice. Not an iceberg large enough to sink the Titanic,” I shout.


I sigh. Did he just leave?

I use my good arm to push myself up into a standing position. Fuck, my ankle hurts too. I should put some ice on it as well. I grab Kade’s shirt and slip it on, before walking to the kitchen where Kade is.

He doesn’t look at me when I enter.

“What are you doing?” I ask. He’s standing in my kitchen holding a bag of ice.

“I need to go,” he says.

He walks to me and hands me the bag of ice. Then continues back to my bedroom. I take a deep breath, trying not to be upset. We aren’t dating; of course, he can go and not tell me why. He doesn’t need a reason. We are a fake relationship. This isn’t real. We have sex

and pretend we are together. That’s all this is.

But the tears threatening my eyes say I want this to be more.


Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance