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I laugh.

“Or a fake one to replace this one. I can’t wear this expensive of a ring.”

I kiss her on the lips. “No, you deserve the best.”

The absolute best. She deserves everything. And I plan on giving her everything. I have to remember that it’s okay to be an ass, too. Because there is no way, I’m letting her fall in love with me and ruin us. And I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt her.



It’s been a week since I slept with Kade.

It’s what I wanted. A week apart after he rocked my world and made me realize what I’ve been missing all these years. I regret not having sex sooner if it is always that amazing. I’m afraid it might only be that incredible with Kade, and not any of other guys.

Kade has, mostly, respected my wishes to stay away. Only because I told him I needed to study for my final exams. I didn’t need to study. I have straight A’s and could have failed every one of my tests and still graduated. But Kade didn’t know that. So he stayed away, except for a few naughty text messages telling me how much he missed my body.

I glance up at the stage where some rich man is speaking, trying to be inspirational. Saying things about how we are the future, and graduating from a prestigious school like this means we can do anything. It’s the usual words. Nothing will make a difference in any of our lives. Thousands of students sit in chairs next to me, all waiting for him to finish talking so we can throw our graduation caps in the air and celebrate.

Only problem is, I don’t have any family here to celebrate with. I texted my father on Thursday when it was official that I was graduating on Friday. He texted back that he had a meeting in Chicago and couldn’t be here. My mother is too drunk to come. And Anastasia won’t attend anything that isn’t all about her, especially after I overshadowed her engagement with my own.

I stare down at my bare finger. I chose not to wear the ring today. Today is about me.

My family isn’t here.

Kade isn’t here.

Today, I’m on my own.

The man finally stops talking, and we throw our caps up in the air. We are graduates now. But I find myself wondering why I bothered attending the ceremony. I should have just stayed home to packed and had the school mail me my diploma. And I should have texted Kade to hang out instead. I need to text him so we can talk about the documents his lawyer sent over earlier this week.

I catch my cap as it falls. My immediate thought is to text Kade to see if he’s busy tonight so we can talk, and do other things… I bite my lip as my mind is clouded with thoughts of having sex with Kade again.

But I know Serena is going to want me to hang out with her and her family to celebrate graduating. And then I should really start packing. We have to be out of our apartment in a week.

I start walking across the auditorium floor to the other side, where I know Serena was sitting, to meet her.

“Beautiful and intelligent, how lucky am I?” I hear Kade say from behind me.

I grin. I’ve never smiled so much in my life as I have the few days I’ve spent with Kade.

I turn around. “And why are you lucky?”

He holds out the most massive bouquet of flowers in the auditorium to me. I take it from him, barely able to wrap my hands around the stems.

“Because I get to spend the next year with you.”

I try to hide my smile, but it’s impossible. “And why do you think that? I haven’t officially signed any papers yet.”

“You already said yes. Twice,” he winks as he says twice, and I know he’s referring to me coming twice the last time we were together.

I reach into my oversized purse that is draped over my shoulder and hand him the papers I signed last night.

He grins like an idiot, as he takes the papers from me and flips to the last page with my signature. He takes a pen from his pocket and signs it as well.

“Now it’s official. You’re mine for the year.”

My hands tremble a little at that thought. I want nothing more than to be his. I just need to remind my body that despite his words and actions, I’m not his.

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance