Page 111 of Savage Destiny

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That he would want to discuss the possibility of war on their wedding night caught Alanna by surprise, but she already knew what she wanted to do. "I'm your wife, Hunter, and my place is with you. It won't matter what danger we face, if we're together, and I doubt anything could be worse than what we've already suffered. Not that we should admit to the killing of five Abenaki, but you and I know how to survive. My aunt and uncle are entitled to their opinions, but they'll not change my mind. I want to be with you."

Alanna looked very pretty and sweet, but Hunter would never forget how swiftly she had come to his rescue. He was embarrassed now that he had been so ungrateful. "They may cry and plead with you to stay."

"That's very unlikely."

"What do you expect then?"

"I'm trying not to think about it."

Hunter did not understand how she could avoid dwelling on her aunt and uncle's reactions. "We have to see them. We owe them an explanation about Elliott, and there's our marriage to announce."

Alanna turned to punch the pillow behind her into a more comfortable shape. "Yes, I know, but please, must we talk about them tonight?"

"I think it's good to have a plan."

"Yes, I agree. We ought to practice what we wish to say and how we'll handle their response, whatever it might be, but won't there be plenty of time for that once we're on board the ship bound for home?"

Hunter did not want to speculate on what the captain's reaction might be to their traveling together, but he was worried. "I told Captain Michaels that I w

as bringing my wife, but I didn't describe you. What if he believes like Henderson, that it's his duty to tell you to leave me? We may still have to travel separately."

Alanna's heart fell. She had so many fears about the difficulties they would encounter at home, that she couldn't bear to think that getting there might pose additional problems. She closed her eyes for a moment, and then came up with a plan.

"No, all we need to do is board separately. When Elliott and I sailed from Newport News, the crew was so busy making ready to depart, they just wanted the passengers to stay out of their way. If you go aboard early, and I wait until the last minute, the captain will be in too great a rush to sail to be concerned about us. Besides, Elliott's coffin will be stowed in the hold, and he won't be able to ask us to leave without taking the time to unload it."

Hunter nodded thoughtfully. "You're very bright, Alanna. Maybe you should do all of our thinking."

He sounded insulted rather than pleased, and Alanna couldn't understand why. "With the problems we're sure to have, we'll both need to have all our wits about us," she swore. "It's only that I've been away much longer than we'd planned, and I want Elliott to receive a proper burial so badly, I don't care what we have to do to get home. That's my main concern, not manipulating Captain Michaels into doing my bidding."

Hunter knew that, and he reached out to tickle her foot. "We mustn't fight tonight. It would be a very bad way to begin our marriage."

Counting Elliott, six men had died in the time they had been together, and that was already such a bad omen, Alanna feared their troubles might prove endless. "We can't let other people's uncharitable views tear us apart, but even if we have to live in the deepest, darkest part of the forest to find happiness, I'd be willing to do it."

Her fervent vow touched Hunter deeply, and he quickly shifted his position to draw her into his arms. "No, you are much too beautiful to hide." He kissed her tenderly at first, and then with increasing passion. Content to spend the whole night making love to her, he moved at a relaxed, leisurely pace. A long while passed before he slid off the bed to douse the lamp. He removed his moccasins and buckskins, and then helped Alanna shed her nightgown.

"You are a fine wife," he said. "I should have told you that, when you were paying me compliments as a husband."

"Thank you, but if it's too soon for me to praise you, then it has to be too soon for you to say nice things about me."

Hunter rejoined her on the bed. Turning playful, he gave a low growl and began to lick her breast. "No, it isn't. This is the perfect time."

Savoring the warmth of his bare skin against the whole length of her slender body, Alanna drew him close. She loved everything about him, his tenderness as well as his strength, and it was so easy to forget all her cares the instant his lips caressed hers. She sifted his thick, black mane through her fingers and slid her hands down his well-muscled back. She doubted a more perfect male had ever been born. His love was such a precious gift, she could scarcely believe he had chosen her for his wife.

"I love you," she whispered.

"Not nearly as much as I love you," Hunter argued. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled over to bring her up on top of him. He then slid his hands over her hips, before gripping her waist to align their bodies so perfectly, her feminine crease caressed the length of his hardened shaft. Knowing he was also providing her with the very same exquisite thrill, he rocked her back and forth gently, creating a delicious friction, until ecstasy was only a heartbeat away.

He then pulled her astride him, and with loving gestures rather than spoken commands, urged her to mount him. Their bodies were now so finely attuned, she took the full length of him easily. After resting her palms on his broad chest, she responded to the light pressure of his hands around her waist, and began a slow, rhythmic motion timed to the rapture swelling within them. When it reached its crest and seared them with a splendid heat, Hunter pulled her down into his arms and kept her locked in his embrace, until the need to possess her again overwhelmed him.

"I'll never tire of loving you," he vowed.

"Is it even possible to tire of making love?"

"Not with you, it isn't."

Completely relaxed, Alanna snuggled against him, but Hunter soon made his intentions clear with impassioned kisses and a provocative touch. Only too glad to oblige his every whim, Alanna responded with a joyous abandon that fed his desire. Ensnared in the sensuous web he spun so lovingly, her pleasure was as deep as his. With gestures as fluid as an exotic dance, the only limits to the expression of their love were the dimensions of the feather bed and, after sharing a bunk, they seemed generous indeed. When they finally fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs, their dreams were peaceful and sweet.

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Tags: Phoebe Conn Romance