Page 63 of Dawn Of Desire

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Egan watched Oriana do Albyn’s bidding and felt sick clear through. He was not afraid of dying, although he wished he could have had more time to love Oriana. He wanted to stand and fight, and now he doubted he could even walk to the door. He drew in a deep breath, let go of the chair, and the whole room spun around him.

“Egan!” Albyn cried.

Oriana rushed to Egan’s side before Albyn had taken a step. “Take my hand,” she ordered forcefully, “and I’ll guide you down the stairs.”

Egan had to fight down a wave of nausea before extending his hand, but the instant Oriana’s fingertips caressed his palm, the excruciating pain in his side lessened to a dull throb. He was still slightly dizzy, but not so unsteady that he could not walk.

“I told you I could make it,” he swore to Albyn as his friend opened the door, but he clung to Oriana’s hand and wished she had been with him in the sea.

Oriana caught Albyn’s glance and held it. They had done what they could for Egan and now had to trust that Kieran would dare Egan to fly. While any wise commander took advantage of his enemy’s weakness, she trembled with the fear that she might be leading Egan into a trap she had been unable to foretell. As they left his chamber, she felt far more helpless than he.

Chapter Seventeen

Fearing Egan might stumble, Oriana took small, careful steps as she led him down the winding staircase. He was gripping her hand so tightly, she would surely be bruised. He was causing her such slight pain compared to his, however, that rather than complain, she murmured encouragement that echoed off the stone walls that surrounded them like ghostly prayers.

Albyn was right behind Egan, ready to grab his tunic should he falter, but while their progress was painfully slow, they reached the entry chamber without mishap.

“The worst is over,” Oriana announced with forced cheer. “You needn’t speak. Simply allow Kieran to describe what he’s chosen.”

Egan curled her hand against his chest to keep her close to his side. He leaned back against the wall and shut his eyes while he caught his breath.

“Is Kieran already waiting?” Egan asked. “I’ll not venture out unless he’s there.”

Albyn peered out the door, and the sound of the restive crowd swelled around them. “Aye, he’s strutting up and down like a gamecock.”

Egan could easily imagine his half brother shouting to whomever would listen that he had already won the challenge. He opened his eyes, and hoped once outside, the sun would not blind him. He gathered his resolve, but still seeking the comfort of Oriana’s touch, he kept a firm grasp on her hand.

“I doubt I can take more than ten paces. Then I’ll do my best to remain on my feet and force Kieran to come to me.” Egan paused before pushing away from the wall. “I’ll listen as you suggest, Oriana, but I’ll swear to you now that if Kieran provides an opening, I’ll kill him before he has another chance to kill me.”

Oriana had been so certain the wisest course was to protect Kieran’s life, but when Egan had suffered so greatly for that belief, she could not fault him for not keeping their bargain.

“Listen first,” she cautioned, “then do whatever you must.”

Egan longed to pull her into his arms and kiss her so thoroughly that she would never forget him, but he could not bring himself to make such an extravagant farewell gesture when she had given him every reason to live. Still, his prevalent emotion was one of stunned disbelief, for he could not understand how he had allowed himself to fall into such desperate straits.

“Open the door, Albyn, and then stay close,” he ordered.

Albyn yanked open the door and watched with utter amazement as Egan strode out into the bailey with a long, even step. He doubted his friend could project his usual confidence for long, but that he had done it at all made him want to cheer.

When Egan halted in front of the crowd, Oriana coiled herself around his left arm and braced his left leg with her right. She had never seen a man act with more courage, but too much of her plan depended upon Kieran’s choice for her to draw more than a hasty breath.

Albyn stood at Egan’s right and was equally anxious to end their horrific ordeal. To conserve Egan’s strength, he hurriedly called to Kieran. “What’s it to be, Kieran? It’s your choice today, and we’re all eager to hear it.”

Kieran approached with a lazy stroll. “Aye, I bet you are.” He favored the crowd with a knowing grin, and after a few random shouts, all fell silent. “Because challenges are so infrequent, I mean for ours to be memorable. You’ll agree with me on that score, won’t you, brother?”

Egan had no idea what Kieran was raving about, but he had already scanned the bailey for weapons and seen none. So much the better, he thought, because if Kieran came at him with his fists, then he would indeed leap on him and rip out his throat before Kieran had time to land a single punch.

Clearly growing impatient with his silence, Oriana gave him a quick nudge with her elbow. After she had been so insistent that he merely listen, he thought the gesture misplaced, but after that impertinent prompt, he offered Kieran an obliging nod.

Kieran took another step closer. He had not expected Egan to even leave his bed, and he was enjoying the discomfort it had surely caused him. “Good, we agree upon one thing at least.” He rested his hands on his hips and again smiled broadly at the crowd.

“I’ve chosen something none of us has ever seen, except in the magnificent tapestries lining the great hall. I intend to build a wing and fly. Have you the courage to match my daring, or is this the end of the challenge?”

Dumbfounded by Kieran’s outlandish choice, Egan glanced down at Oriana, and she responded with a nearly imperceptible nod. His knees threatened to buckle then, but she quickly increased her pressure along his side and saved him a humiliating fall. When he could barely stand, flight was beyond imagining, but at least he would live to see another day.

“Aye, I’ll fly,” he replied, and his words were nearly drowned out by the response of the jubilant crowd.

Again, Albyn stepped up to spare his friend further pain. “Go have your breakfast,” he suggested to Egan. “Kieran and I will work out the necessary details with Garrick and Neal.”

Tags: Phoebe Conn Historical