Page 64 of Rough & Ready

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But how could I? If I took another step in Meghan’s direction, she’d cut Phoebe. Given Phoebe’s current state, that wasn’t a risk worth taking.

Distract her, my brain supplied. Buy time.

I leveled my gaze at Phoebe and began to speak from the heart. For the first time, I didn’t modulate my words, didn’t wonder whether or not it was a good idea, didn’t question how much I should say. This was do or die, and if we both should fall, she should hear the truth.

“Phoebe, these last few days have been the happiest of my life, save for Henry’s birth.”

Meghan cut in with a screeching laugh. “You don’t mean that.”

“Of course I do. Meghan, I could never love you, not after how you treated me, but more importantly, not after how you treated my son.”

“Our son.”

“Oh please. You ain’t raised him for a minute of his damned life. He is mine, and mine alone.” I redirected my attention to Phoebe, who was struggling in Meghan’s hold. “And you’ve been so, so good with him, Phoebe, so loving, so thoughtful. Even in just these few days, he’s become a different kid. He was always wonderful, of course, but now he seems… fuller, somehow. Better.”

A tear skated down her cheek. “Carter,” she whispered, causing Meghan to tighten her grip on the knife.

“Stop,” I begged Meghan, “just stop. That’s the love of my life you’ve got there, the only woman who’s ever made me feel safe. Killing her doesn’t mean you’ll ever have me.”

Meghan laughed. “I’d be okay just causing you some pain after all that you’ve done to me.”

“Then I won’t give you that satisfaction. I’ll kill myself before I let you hurt Phoebe. I won’t make it worth your time.”

I saw a shock go through Meghan, as if the severity of my words was just hitting her — she realized that I meant it, that I loved Henry and wanted to stay alive for him, but that I would martyr myself in a heartbeat to save the woman I loved.

In that split second, Meghan’s hands loosed around Phoebe’s throat. Not much, but enough.

I took my window.

I sprang to Meghan, pushing Phoebe out of her grasp and tumbling with my ex-wife onto the ground. The force of our fall caused Meghan to drop the knife.

“Run, Phoebe, run!” I screamed as I pressed Meghan onto the ground.

There were uneven footfalls behind me, the sound of Phoebe scrambling to the car as much as her weakened body would allow.

Meghan laughed beneath me. Even with my weight and anger atop her, she wouldn’t be denied. She pointed her chin up to face me, defiant despite everything.

“She’s just a girl, Carter. Just some flimsy little passing attraction. You’ll get over her and come back to me, if only for the punishment. You do like to suffer.”

“You’re wrong. I was too scared to leave, but I hated every moment of my life with you. Now, finally, I have the promise of a future, and it’s with that woman.”

“She’ll get bored of you,” Meghan hissed, searching desperately for something to upset me, to throw me off-kilter. “She’ll realize you’re just a depressed mess of a man.”

“Maybe. But that’s a risk I’m willing to take. That’s what you do for love — you try the hard shit.” I paused, and leaned in closer, lowering my voice. “And if you ever try to come for either of them again, Meghan, just know that you won’t make it out alive. You’ve been lucky. Not again.”

With that, Meghan tried to get away. Her anger gave her superhuman strength and she pushed me off. She scrambled to her feet, but looked back at me as I rolled over on my back and attempted to stand. She walked backwards, facing me, she then stumbled and fell. She hit the ground hard. It was just enough to knock her unconscious. I crawled over as I’d wanted to ensure she was out.

She was sprawled out on the ground, her muscles loosening, her eyes closed.

If I’m being honest, I’d wanted to return the emotional pain she’d caused with a bout of some serious physical pain. But that was not the man I was or I’d sworn to become, and Meghan could not make me into her violent image.

“Goodbye, Meghan,” I spat. “It’s been swell.”

Knowing her, she wouldn’t stay knocked out for long. I hoisted myself onto my feet and grabbed a rope from the shop to tie it around Meghan’s wrists.

I ran back to the car.

“Turn on the engine!” I shouted to Jo-Beth. “We’ve gotta get to the sheriff’s!”

The engine roared — well, whimpered — to life. The thing would at least get us out of town, though I wasn’t sure it would go much further than that.

Through the window, I could see that Henry and Phoebe were in the back, with Henry petting Phoebe’s head.

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance