Page 60 of Our Little Secret

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I swallow again and step out of her hold. ‘We should get out of here before we’re both missed.’

I see the disappointment in her gaze, I feel it deep inside, and I want to kill it off. I want to fork my fingers through her hair, back her up against the shower wall and kiss her until we’re high on sex again.

‘You’re right.’ She grins, but too widely. ‘I’m late enough to the party as it is.’

I turn away to sort myself out and the crumpled red fabric catches my eye. ‘Do you have another swimsuit? If not, I can—’

‘I’m fine. I have another.’

‘Not...’ I remember the pool. ‘Not the black number?’

‘Is that a problem?’ She pulls the shower head off its rest and starts to rinse between her legs. Her intention is innocent enough but it burns through me. Right along with the memory of her in that swimsuit.

Cazzo. ‘No, no problem.’

She lifts her gaze to me, her eyes sparkling now. ‘Good. You want to come and get clean?’

I swallow, toss the condom in the bin and walk towards her.

But as I join her and our eyes meet, Dani’s words come back ever louder: I know this can only ever be a bit of fun for you but for her... She wants it all, Raf. She’ll fall for you and then what?

Then what? exactly...


Danielle and Tyler’s Wedding Week

Saturday: The Wedding. Five-thirty p.m.

I TAKE HOLD of Dani’s hands and give them a squeeze. ‘You ready?’

She gives a rapid nod and I feel her nerves through her trembling fingers.

‘Just breathe,’ I say.

Her emotions have been running high ever since I entered her room this morning armed with a bustling team of hair and make-up artists ready to make us look the part. I’ve never seen her less than a hundred percent confident, but today there’s a nervous edge to her and she actually does appear more blushing bride than the usual strutting diva.

‘Good.’ I beam at her encouragingly. ‘It’s going to be fine.’

‘Uh-huh! I’m so glad you’re with me, Faye.’

‘Where else would I be when my BFF is getting married?’

She takes a shaky breath that’s interrupted by a knock on the door. Her eyes dart to it and I give her fingers another squeeze before releasing them.

‘Here we go.’

I head to the bedroom door, preparing myself now, because I know who’s on the other side and I haven’t seen him since the yacht, which was over thirty-six hours ago. He, Dante, Tyler and Harry took themselves off to the private villa just beyond the pool area yesterday morning, in keeping with the tradition of separating the bride and groom the night before the wedding. But the distance hasn’t helped how I feel about him, it hasn’t stopped my heart which seems determined to care.

The problem is, I know who he is. I know he’s a sworn bachelor running from love, but I saw the way he looked at me on the yacht, I heard the words laced with so much meaning, and it didn’t feel like pure lust, it felt like more. So much more. And even when we were at our best, Bobby never made me feel like that. Not once.

But, as I pause before the door, I remember that this is Dani’s day. This is about her heart, her love, her life. Not mine. I take hold of the door handle and take a deep breath, my eyes going back to Dani, and I give her an encouraging smile. She is stunning. Her dress is sheer and formfitting, flowers trailing over the nude under layer in such a way as to blend fabric into skin. It’s tasteful, elegant, and still sexy. Her hair is tied back in a loose chignon that replicates mine, with the same baby’s breath, and the addition of blush-coloured roses that match the shade of my fishtail dress. She looks angelic and sinful in one.

‘Okay?’ I say.

She nods, takes up her bouquet and clutches it in front of her.

I pull open the door and turn to face him. I’m ready for this.

Tags: Rachael Stewart Romance