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Determinedly, she clutched hold of his shoulders, moving her hips forward so that she slid on to him herself, biting her lip to hold back a cry at the new sense of intrusion. Samuel groaned, too, a low exclamation followed by a muffled oath as if she were the one hurting him.

‘What’s the matter?’ She started to move back in alarm, but he grabbed at her waist, holding her where she was.

‘Nothing’s wrong.’ He closed his eyes. ‘You just feel too good.’

‘How can it be too good?’ She slid farther along his length, feeling a hot burst of pain followed by a tingle of pleasure.

‘Wait.’ He made a sound at the back of his throat, something between a laugh and a growl as he tightened his hold on her. ‘You’ll find out if you’re not careful.’

‘Maybe I want to find out.’ She tried moving again, writhing her hips despite the arm clamped around her waist. Somehow the movement caused a fresh spasm of pleasure.

‘Anna...’ He sounded as if he were speaking through clenched teeth, pushing himself even deeper.

‘Mmm...?’ The spasm felt so good that she couldn’t stop herself from moving again, bucking against him as she pursued the feeling. He didn’t protest this time, bracing one hand on the counter as he moved with and against her, faster and deeper while the spasms seemed to build in intensity, one upon another, sending vibrations of feeling out along every nerve and through every limb. At last they all seemed to join together at once, mingling into one extended burst of feeling that wrenched a cry from her lips and left her feeling dazed and satiated. She let her head fall backwards, her body turning limp as Samuel thrust one last time and then shuddered inside her.

‘Anna?’ He pressed his face into her neck, gasping for breath.


‘Are you all right?’

‘Yes.’ She laughed at the question. ‘I’m very all right.’

‘Good.’ He sounded relieved, letting out his own ragged laugh. ‘So much for horizontal.’

* * *

‘Horizontal is definitely more comfortable,’ Anna sighed, tucking her head into the curve between Samuel’s neck and shoulder after their second lovemaking, this time in bed. ‘Although there’s something to be said for shop counters, too.’

‘I’ll never look at one in the same way again,’ Samuel murmured, stroking a hand over her hip and drawing one of her legs up over his body.

‘Me neither. It’s probably a good thing I’m leaving or I’d never be able to sell biscuits again without blushing.’

‘No regrets?’

‘None, except...’

‘What?’ His hand stilled instantly.

‘Part of me wishes m

y mother could have been at our wedding, after all. And then there’s Sebastian. I wish I even knew where he was.’

‘It’s not unusual for ships to be out of contact with the Admiralty for this long, but I’ll write and ask if there’s been any word.’ He raised a hand to her hair, looping his finger around a stray curl that hung over her forehead. ‘He—and your mother, too—can come to Staunton and celebrate with us as soon as he gets shore leave.’

‘Thank you.’ She nuzzled closer. ‘You know, I always hoped that if I married then it would be a love match like my parents, but I never thought I’d be so lucky.’

‘Certainly not with an earl.’

‘Definitely not with an earl, but nobody’s perfect.’

‘How flattering.’ He tugged gently on the curl. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind leaving Belles? It’s going to be a big change.’

‘Yes, but at least I have a manager I can rely on. Henrietta’s enthusiastic and she seems to genuinely love baking. I think she’ll make a bigger success of the place than I ever did.’

‘She ought to. You’re paying her twice as much as my steward with free lodgings to boot.’

‘Do you object?’

Tags: Jenni Fletcher Regency Belles of Bath Romance