Page 44 of Torch (Wildwood 3)

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“Your house burned down.” Levi’s expression went solemn, and he reached out to clasp her hand, entwining their fingers. “My parents told me. That’s so . . . awful. I’m sorry that happened to you. What are you going to do? Where are you living?”

“Don’t worry about me. I’ve got it all figured out.” She sounded like a liar, even to Tate. She had nothing figured out. Tate knew she was still completely overwhelmed by all that she needed to take care of.

“I do worry about you. I think about you all the time.” His gaze briefly flickered to Tate before returning to Wren, completely dismissing him. “I still like to think of me being the guy who was always there for you.”

She laughed, the sound nervous and just the slightest bit . . . irritated? “Right. I figured you forgot all about me once you left town.”

“Never.” The gentle smile Levi offered Wren made Tate’s blood boil.

Anger surged within him. Who was this asshole to tell Wren he’d be there for her? Tate was the one who’d been there for her from the very start. She lived with him. Not this guy who appeared out of nowhere and got to hug her too close and stare at her like he wanted to devour her whole.

Fuck this guy and his supposed good intentions.

Tate was about to stand and tell the guy to fuck off when Wren pulled her hand from Levi’s, turning to look at Tate, a nervous smile on her face. “Levi, this is my friend, Tate.”

Friend. Nice one, Wrennie.

“Nice to meet you.” Tate rose to his feet, noting that he towered over the guy. Good. He thrust out his hand and squeezed Levi’s extra hard.

“Likewise.” Levi sized him up with a glance, dismissing him when they released hands, and Tate sat back down, his attention all for Wren. Again. “We need to get together before I leave.”

“How long are you here for?” she asked as she settled back into the booth across from Tate. Thank Christ. Tate was afraid she might’ve left with this asshole.

She’d never ditch you.

Tate frowned. He couldn’t be too sure of that.

“A few more days. Told my parents we had to stop by the BFD. I haven’t been here in what feels like forever.” Levi smiled and rocked back on his heels. Jackass acted like he was in no hurry to leave.

Tate stewed, chewing on his lips so he wouldn’t snarl and say something rude. Like, Get the fuck out of here.

“Hasn’t changed much has it?” Wren laughed.

“No, it hasn’t. I have good memories of this place.” Levi’s voice dropped. “I’m sure you remember.”

Okay, that was it. Tate squeezed his hands into fists, ready to use them if necessary when, lucky for Levi, the waitress appeared with their drinks. She plunked down Tate’s iced tea and Wren’s Sprite before she scurried away. The interruption seemed to be just what Levi needed.

“I should get going. But call me, okay? I mean it, Wrennie. We need to catch up. And my parents’ number hasn’t changed, so I’m sure you remember it. You called it enough times over the years.” Levi chuckled, but Wren said nothing. She at least had the decency to appear uncomfortable.

Levi barely looked in Tate’s direction. “Nice meeting you,” he muttered.

“Same,” Tate said tightly.

Levi hesitated, then leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Wren’s cheek before he backed away from the booth. “See ya around, Wrennie.”

The moment he was gone, Tate leaned back in his seat, relief making him feel weak. “Wrennie? Seriously? And you have the nerve to complain to me about the bird names?”

“Stop. Please. We’ve known each other forever.” Wren’s face was flaming red, and she grabbed her Sprite, taking a huge drink. Most likely trying to avoid any more conversation, Tate guessed.

“Who is he

anyway?” He was proud of his calm, even voice, like nothing could bother him. Deep down, his stomach was twisted into knots, and his appetite had pretty much evaporated.

He’d really been looking forward to a BFD cheeseburger basket too, damn it.

“Levi’s my ex-boyfriend from high school. He graduated a year before I did, and we broke up—it was messy. Stupid. We were young. It was for the best.” She shook her head, her cheeks still pink, her eyes . . . full of longing? Hell, he hoped not. “We haven’t seen each other in forever.”

“Really.” His voice was flat, his stomach twisting harder.

Tags: Karen Erickson Wildwood Romance