Page 40 of Torch (Wildwood 3)

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“You worried about me, Dove?” He treaded water right in front of her, wishing they weren’t so deep. He’d rather be standing when he kissed her, but he could make do if needed. “I’m touched.”

“You should be. The last thing I need is you drowning on my watch.” A smile teased the corners of her perfect lips, and relief hit him hard and swift, nearly taking his breath.

Good. She wasn’t mad. She wasn’t going to put up a fight. This was going to be a good afternoon. A progressive afternoon. That’s what he wanted. What she needed.

“On your watch, huh?” He raised a brow, reaching out and streaking his fingers across her shoulder. She jumped a little, moving away from him, but he just followed. “Aren’t I supposed to be the one taking care of you?”

“I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can, but right now, you’re on my watch.” He grinned when she frowned. “Come on, Wren. Throw me a bone here. I’m the big bad firefighter who’s come to your rescue. Let me live my fantasy, if just for a little bit.”

She laughed, the joyous sound ringing through the air. The lake wasn’t too busy. It was a weekday, and not many people came to this beach since it was mostly frequented by the Wildwood locals. They were pretty much alone, with the occasional boat or Jet Skier passing by.

“You have a hero complex?” she teased.

He scoffed. “Of course I do. Why do you think I work this job?”

Her laughter grew. “I figured you tried to drive women crazy in your uniform.”

“Do I drive you crazy when I wear my uniform?”

The laughter died. Her expression grew serious. “You drive me crazy when you wear just the board shorts.”

His mouth went dry.

“Or when you sneak into your bed and I’m already in it.”

His entire body went stiff.

She shook her head, the movement making the water ripple around her. “I should’ve never admitted that.”

“I’m fucking thrilled you just admitted that.” He moved toward her, stealth-like and smooth in the water, until he was directly in front of her. He stretched his legs downward, testing where the bottom might be, and was relieved when he actually touched the slightly slimy ground. “I thought I only drove you crazy when I opened my mouth.”

A surprised burst of laughter shot from her lips. “You always have your mouth open.”

“I know.” He smiled. “I could never figure out what I did wrong.”

“Did it matter to you that much?”

“It mattered, Dove. You mattered. Your opinion of me.”

She looked adorably confused. “Why?”

“Because I like you. And I think you like me too.” He reached for her. Slipped his arms around her waist and tugged her in. She didn’t fight, didn’t protest, just went willingly, her hands automatically going to his chest, her fingers sliding across his skin and sending a scattering of hot sparks through his blood.

“I don’t really like you,” she said, the words feeling like an automatic response.


“I don’t believe you.” He slipped his fingers beneath her chin and tilted her face up. “Be truthful with me.”

She blinked up at him, little droplets of water clinging to her cheeks, and he wiped them away, his thumb lingering on her soft, soft skin. “I don’t know what’s happening,” she whispered.

“Me either.”

“You scare me.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Wildwood Romance