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“So you’ll go ahead and risk Aubrey losing her job?” Harvey raised a brow.

No way. He’d totally make her go out with him.

“You care for her. I can see that. Your feelings are genuine for Aubrey, and I think that’s sweet.” The word “sweet” coming from Harvey sounded all sorts of wrong. “No way could she resist you.”

Flynn wasn’t so sure about that.

“And you can test your skills on her in about five minutes.” Harvey checked his watch and made a face. “Make that about one minute, since our girl is extremely punctual.”

“She’s going to meet with us?” Dread coiled in the pit of his stomach, like a deadly snake lying in wait for its prey. He couldn’t go on avoiding her forever, but man, he felt like a jerk for not reaching out to her since the night they were together. And now with everything going on, they had to talk. He just wanted a little prep time first. “Right now?”

“Yes.” Harvey took a swig of his Starbucks coffee. “Don’t look so panicked. She likes you, remember?”

Flynn couldn’t count on that, but he really didn’t have a choice. It was time to strategize.

Within seconds, Harvey’s office door swung open and in walked Aubrey, looking gorgeous in a deep green dress that lovingly clung to her abundant curves. She stopped short when she saw Flynn sitting in his chair, her gaze narrowing, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.

Flynn’s skin tightened. His blood roared in his ears. Damn, she looked good. Despite the irritation rolling off her in palpable waves, he was happy to see her.

She didn’t look so happy to see him, though. Not a surprise.

“Good morning, Aubrey,” Harvey said cheerily.

She stood by the only other empty chair in the office—which just so happened to be sitting next to the chair Flynn occupied—gripping her to-go coffee cup as if it was a lifeline. “Morning.”

“And you know Flynn.” The teasing tone in Harvey’s voice was unmistakable.

Aubrey rolled her eyes, looking ready to kill him. “Very funny, Harvey.”

“Sit down, sit down. Not like Foley’s going to bite you.” Harvey waved a hand at the empty chair, and she settled in it heavily, not once looking in Flynn’s direction.

Not that he needed her to. He was perfectly enraptured with her delicate profile, her wavy auburn hair cascading down her front, stopping just at her breasts. She brought the coffee cup to her lips, taking a sip, and all the while, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“You’re staring,” she whispered, never looking over at him.

He blinked. “Sorry.” That apology spoke for more than his staring at her. He regretted how he’d treated her the past few days.

And he really hoped she could sense that.

“I spoke with Charlie last night,” Harvey said, distracting Aubrey from her reaction to Flynn. “He’s not pleased at all that this happened.”

Aubrey sat up straighter in her chair, causing her chest to thrust out. Damn, Flynn felt like a pervert, ogling her, but he remembered exactly what her breasts felt like in his hands. Soft and heavy and with the prettiest pink nipples he’d ever tasted. “Is he angry with me? I know I made a mistake, Harvey. I should’ve never let myself be seen leaving Flynn’s house at such a late hour. I forgot all about the paparazzi.”

Flynn turned to look at her head on, incredulous. She was go

ing to take the fall for what was going on. He couldn’t freaking believe it. “It’s not your fault.”

She chanced a glance at him. “I know better than to allow myself to do something as stupid as this. Trust me.”

Ouch. Well, that hurt.

He turned to Harvey. Now wasn’t the time for him to ask Aubrey out on a real date. She’d probably chop his balls off if he so much as suggested it, what with the blatant hostility she kept tossing toward him. He’d wait until her mood eased a bit. “I’ll leave you two to your meeting,” he said as he stood.

Harvey slowly shook his head. “You sure you don’t have anything else to say to Aubrey?”

“Let’s talk later.” He lowered his voice, his gaze locked on her and nowhere else. She stared back at him, her lips parted, her eyes wide. She looked as if she didn’t know what to say. “When you’re done with Harvey?”

“Um.” She tore her gaze from his and stared at the top of her to-go coffee cup. “Sure.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance