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“Whatever you want.” The look on his face told her he knew where her thoughts just went. And that he wholeheartedly agreed.

Just like that, she forgot about wanting to be a good girl, about not giving in to this powerful, addicting man. Being close to him set her pulse to racing, her blood pounding in her veins, her entire body throbbing with want. For him and no one else.

It was just that simple. And just that complicated.

Chapter Thirteen

“So come on, Jane, spill. Tell me what’s going on with you and Chris.” Mindy stared her down from across the table, the house blessedly quiet, since all the children were in school and Sophia was taking a nap.

Jane shook her head, a little laugh escaping her at the sound of her sister’s voice. Mindy must be desperate for the details. “I can’t reveal all of my secrets.”

“That means you’re having sex with him.” Mindy sighed, the wistful expression on her face undeniable. “I’m so jealous.”

A warm sensation tugged at Jane’s heart at the thought of making her sister jealous. And her skin flushed hot with thoughts of Chris. Naked. In her bed. He’d been there last night, as a matter of fact, had stayed long after the children were in bed. The past few weeks, they’d actually gotten somewhat used to him being around—even Lexi, though she’d asked in the loudest whisper when he was going home.

Jane just smiled through it. It was all she could do.

The second she’d shut the door to Logan’s room after putting him to bed, Chris had pounced, dragged her into her bedroom, and stripped off all of her clothing. Piece by piece, his mouth searching, one bit of flesh at a time.

He’d taken her hard and fast, right there against the wall, and then he’d carried her to the bed. Made love to her so gently, so sweetly, she’d nearly cried.

Okay, she had cried. Tears had leaked from the corners of her eyes, but there was no way she could tell him that. He might freak. And what they’d shared the past two weeks, she didn’t want to risk losing.

“He’s very sweet,” Jane finally mustered.

“Uh huh, that’s why you’re blushing. Even the tips of your ears are red! I don’t think it has anything to do with how sweet he

is.” Mindy sighed again and took a sip from her coffee cup. “I can’t remember what it’s like to feel that way.”

Jane bit her lip. She felt bad for being so happy while her sister suffered. Marty had served her the divorce papers first, had gone against their initial agreement of filing together at the courthouse, and she’d been devastated.

In fact, sitting at Mindy’s kitchen table, Jane could see how badly all of this affected her. Her sister looked as if she hadn’t washed her hair in a few days. It was pulled into a sloppy ponytail, and she wore a baggy sweatshirt and even baggier sweatpants. Her face was pale, her eyes dull.

So far from the Mindy she knew and loved, it was scary.

“Have you finished Christmas shopping?” Jane had—she’d done most of it online so she could avoid the crowds. Now she just needed to wrap. Christmas was less than two weeks away, and it would be upon them too fast, as always.

Mindy snorted. “I haven’t even started.”

“We should go down to Sacramento together and power shop. What do you think? I still need to pick up a few things.” The last bit was a lie, but she didn’t want Mindy to feel bad that she hadn’t started shopping.

Mindy shrugged. “If you want to.”

“Mindy.” Jane reached out, rested her hand on top of her sister’s, startling her. “You’ve got to pick yourself up. For your kids.”

“I’m sure their father will out-gift me, so what does it matter, right?” Mindy drained the last of her coffee, setting the cup onto the table with a loud clatter. “He promised Kyle and Chandler new snowboards. How can I compete with that?”

“It’s not a competition, Mind—” Jane started, but Mindy cut her off with a look.

“It so is. You don’t even know. The second Marty moved out and into his little cottage with his new girlfriend, it turned into a total game for him. What can he do to top what I can offer? I feel like I’m on a reality TV show.” Mindy shook her head.

“Wait a minute. He’s living with another woman?” That was news to Jane. She knew Marty had stayed in town, moved into a tiny house very close to the lake, but she had no idea he’d moved someone in with him.

“He is. I’m surprised you didn’t hear, since the word is all over town. His girlfriend’s name is Bobbi. With an i. The boys told me all about her, how she’s so pretty and fun.” Mindy’s face crumpled. “That’s because she’s twenty-three and ready to show all the men in my life a good time.”

Jane sighed and reached out to rub Mindy’s shoulder, silently cursing Marty up and down. “He’s a jerk, Mind. Be glad you’re not together anymore.”

“Trust me, most of the time I am. But it’s hard to watch him pick up the pieces as if nothing ever happened. Already with another woman as if our marriage, our entire relationship never existed.” Mindy sniffed. “But enough about me and all my tragedies. Tell me more about Chris.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Lone Pine Lake Romance