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"If you're a good girl, on the way home, we'll pull over and fuck you, ensuring you come at least twice," Tagg vowed.

My body responded to his words so easily. Was I so much more trainable than this woman Olivia Hill?

"Three times, perhaps." Garrett grinned.

As he spoke, the ranch came into view. There was a large house and several outbuildings, one clearly a barn, another a stable as it had a paddock beside it, and what appeared to be a bunkhouse in the distance. A creek meandered behind the buildings and large cottonwood trees flourished beside the water source.

We pulled up by the house and Tagg helped me down. I adjusted my straw hat against the sun. A man came around from the side of the house.

"I thought I heard someone approach. It's good to see you both."

The man was as tall as my husbands, but lankier. His black hair peeking out from beneath his hat. I noticed that he his complexion was darker than that of my husbands.

After shaking hands, Garrett introduced me to Davis Holland. "This is Sarah. She is my wife."

"Sarah, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm sure you'd like to meet my wife, Olivia. She is, unfortunately, being punished at the moment, so she isn't able to come and meet you. Perhaps I can take you to her instead?"

Unsure, I glanced at Tagg. "We do not wish to interrupt any correction you may be giving."

Davis held up his hand. "I assure you, she is learning her lesson without me at present. Come."

Garrett took my hand and we followed the man around the house and toward the stable. Under the shade of a large cottonwood was a woman, bent over what appeared to be a chair, where she was sucking a man's cock. I froze in my steps, but Garrett continued to walk, forcing me to stumble to keep up. When we were w

ithin twenty feet of the woman, Davis paused.

"This is my wife, Olivia," Davis said, his hand gesturing in the woman's direction. "She is being corrected for her behavior earlier."

Garrett gave my hand a squeeze and I kept all the questions I wanted to ask to myself. Olivia was bent over a narrow chair so that she knelt on the ground, her skirt ruched up on top of her back with her ass exposed. Her knees were spread wide, resting on the outside of the chair legs that exposed her pussy and ass. Each hole was filled with what appeared to be very large plugs. She wore a white blouse that exposed her breasts, which hung down past the front edge of the seat. From each nipples dangled something heavy as they were being pulled down toward the ground. Weights, perhaps? Her hands tightly gripped the front legs of the chair. Kneeling in front of her, a man fucked her mouth. He had a firm grip on her dark hair to hold her head in place as he thrust his cock in and out.

When I'd taken Tagg or Garrett in my mouth, I'd been able to raise and lower my head to control the speed and depth of their cocks, but this was truly fucking. Olivia had no control over how the man filled her mouth. Her eyes were open and slurping sounds could be heard, even from our distance.

"Olivia, the Erickssons are here."

She groaned, but could do nothing more. The man taking her glanced our way and nodded in greeting, but didn't slow.

Other men milled about, some by the paddock, others coming in and out of the stable. One man even had his cock out and stroked it.

"I found Olivia alone in the tack room with one of the men." He turned to face us, ignoring what was being done to his wife. The sight stunned me. Didn't he care for her? Didn't he object to having other men use her? How could he be so cruel, yet appear so...nice?

"Nothing untoward occurred, but she is quite the temptation for the men and she knows not to be alone with them. They cannot expect to control themselves when she places herself in advantageous situations. Therefore, if she wishes to offer herself to the men by disobeying me, then they may have her. This is her correction bench. I had it specially made for just such occasions, as they seem to occur with frequency. It is portable so she can be corrected anywhere I choose. However I choose."

My mouth fell open. He gave her to his men? How many of them were there? Glancing about, I counted five, but there could be more. How many had she taken already?

"Do you offer the men her pussy or ass?" Tagg asked.

It was as if they spoke about a horse.

"Neither. Those holes are mine." The man's eyes glittered with equal parts intensity and arousal. "When the time is right, I'll breed her, but for now, we are both enjoying the ample practice."

Based on the amount of times Tagg and Garrett had taken me in less than a week, I'd most likely be with child before the month was out. I could be with child now. The idea appealed to me, but could not consider it further as I watched the man come in her mouth, then pull out. Olivia swallowed most of his seed, but some dribbled down her chin. The man who'd been stroking himself went over and took the other man's spot, not giving Olivia any time to rest. As he grabbed her head, her body shifted and the weights on her nipples swung beneath her.

"This is the last man. After, I will need to tend to her. If you have some time to wait, we can visit, otherwise I do need to see to Olivia." As he looked at his wife, it was obvious he was ready to fuck her. It was the look both of my men had just before they pulled their cocks from their pants.

"We understand. We have Sarah now ourselves," Garrett offered. "Perhaps we can get some refreshment while we wait?"

The man fucking Olivia's mouth groaned, signaling his completion. "Lemonade on the kitchen table," Davis called to us as he went over to his wife as he undid the buckle of his belt.

"I will get us something while you watch," Tagg offered. I heard his footsteps retreat while I openly stared at Davis and his wife.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic