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Sarah bit her lip as she tugged, her slick nipples elongating. She nodded.

"I don't think she can," Tagg said to me, all but daring her to do so.

I shrugged, playing along. "Probably not."

Sarah's eyes flared briefly at the challenge and she worked her nipples with extra vigor. We returned to our food as we watch

ed her avidly. This was a first for both of us, having an aroused woman bringing herself to orgasm as we ate our dinner.

It only took a few minutes, but Sarah did achieve orgasm solely from nipple play. Her head dropped back, her lips parted as she cried out, the sound so erotic my cock was hard once again, even after fucking her a short time ago.

Once recovered, she looked at us smugly, pleased with herself. Her nipples were glistening with ointment, softening and red from her rough handling. Then, as if a curtain was lowered, she realized what she'd done and mortification set in.

"Sarah, it’s incredible that you're so responsive. There's no shame in showing us your pleasure," I told her, hoping my words were reassuring. An orgasm solely from nipple play demonstrated how sensitive she now was.


"Look at me, Sarah," I commanded. She lifted her chin. "What you do is just for us. Just for your husbands. We're so proud of you."

Tagg nodded in agreement. "Such a good girl."

She softened at our words and a shy smile formed on her lips while the slick evidence of her nipple play remained. Slowly but surely she was becoming ours.



The next two days passed in a blur. Tagg had given me the plug to insert, most definitely an increase in size from the one affixed to the harness I'd worn when disobedient. I'd learned what happened when I did not obey their words. In this particular case, I understood the reasoning behind their request. At least now I did, with clear hindsight. Their cocks were big. When I had them in my mouth, I could barely take them to the back of my throat, and my lips were stretched wide around their vast girths. My ass, as it was, was no match for such brutal size. They were only thinking of me. And, when the plug attached to the harness deep had been within me for most of the day as punishment, I had only been thinking of it.

That night, they'd fucked me together once again as I laid spread out on Garrett's bed, my head hanging off the edge so that, even upside down, I took Tagg's cock deep into my mouth. At the same time, Garrett knelt between my spread thighs and fucked my pussy. Before I fell asleep, they watched as I worked the new plug into my ass. It had taken time to do so, this one so much larger, but they'd helped me by having one set of hands play with my nipples, the other rubbing my clit and filling my pussy as I did so. I fell asleep shortly after a second orgasm roared through my body.

It was dark when I awoke to being rolled onto my belly and fucked by Garrett, my hands gripping the rails of his headboard. It had been so tight with his rigid cock and the huge plug filling me at the same time.

My need to come didn't dissipate the next morning, even after being bent over the kitchen table for Tagg's turn inside me as Garrett stood at the mirror and shaved. After the meal, they left to tackle their morning chores and I'd spent that time adding ointment to the plug and fucking myself with it. I'd gone upstairs and laid back on Garrett's bed to do so, knees spread wide and pulled back just as Tagg had showed me. I came, again and again, as I strummed my clit at the same time. This was how the men found me when they returned for the noon time meal. Garrett had pulled the plug free and taken me, then Tagg directly after.

The men were insatiable, and yet, it seemed, so was I. Sometimes they fucked me together, other times just one of them. Tagg had pulled me into the stable to fuck me against a rail. Garrett had made me sit on the porch steps while he stood in front of me and I sucked his cock. All the while, I was adjusting to having the plug in for longer and longer durations, and the time needed to insert it became shorter as I relaxed completely during the process.

And during these two days, I'd learned that my husbands were demanding, especially with my body, but always brought me to pleasure at least once, if not more, every time they took me. They put me first above everything, tended to me, were worried about every little concern I had, and ensured that I was protected, cherished even. Every time they inspected my ass, they were pleased with the results and promised me soon they'd claim me together. Those words, those promises, had me focused on readying myself for that moment. They pleased me so greatly that all I wanted to do was please them in return.

We hadn't had any visitors at all, nor any mention of going into town, since we were married. I was used to having my breasts exposed. In fact, I liked it immensely when they were able to playfully tug and play with my nipples anytime they wished, for they brought me to orgasm each time they did. And I was adapting to walking with a plug filling me. But when Tagg mentioned visiting the nearest neighbors to begin my transition back into society, I'd been surprised.

Garrett had given me a scarf of the same fabric as my blue blouse and wrapped it around my front so my breasts were covered modestly. The covering buttoned in the back. It felt strange to have even the softest of materials against my nipples, and I realized how accustomed I'd become to having them uncovered. They both agreed that I should forgo a plug as we would be taking the wagon. The ride was only an hour, yet the sun was warm. Being between the two men on the bench seat, I felt protected. When Tagg's hand covered mine atop my thigh, I felt cherished.

"Our neighbors are Davis and Olivia Holland. They run a cattle ranch, although not as large as your father's spread. They have numerous ranch hands to help out, so you may meet some of them as well."

"Do they have children?" I asked.

"Davis is a few years older than I am," Garrett said, putting the man in his early thirties. "Olivia is much younger and they have been married over a year. No children as of yet."

"We have not seen them often since Davis has chosen a very thorough training for his bride," Tagg added.

I glanced up at the man's profile. His hat shaded his face, putting his features in shadow without diminishing his handsomeness in the least. His jaw was still strong, his hair still silky soft, his lips still demanding.

"I thought my training finished when you could take my ass," I commented.

"For you perhaps, since you have two husbands, and taking you together is our first priority, but there will always be new ways for you to show your submission, Sarah."

"Some husbands have more requirements than others, some expect a deeper level of submission, and that takes time," Garrett added.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic