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"Do you find this arousing?" Garrett whispered in my ear.

I shook my head. "How can he be so cruel?" I whispered back.

"This is what she wants," he replied.

Olivia's head slumped down as the ranch hand walked away, tucking his spent cock back in his pants. To me, it most certainly did not look like she wanted this.

"That can't be. What woman would want to be taken is such a demeaning way?"

"Through her training, Davis learned what arouses her and gives it to her. It pleases him to see her fucked by others just as much as she likes it. She craves the attention, the power over all those men. She knows Davis loves it and she gives this to him."

Davis knelt behind her, his cock jutting from the opening in his pants as he worked both plugs from her body. When they were free, I could see how large they were - bigger than the latest plug I was using to stretch my ass for my husbands' cocks.

He ran a hand over her ass in a soothing gesture, lined his cock up with her pussy and slid in deeply.

"See how wet she is? She loved every minute of those men’s attentions," Garrett added.

Olivia's head whipped up, her dark hair arcing about her to land down her back. Her eyes were closed as she screamed, her pleasure blatantly obvious, even to me.

"She's coming, Sarah, just from Davis' cock sliding in. Just like that." He snapped his fingers. "She'd been primed to come all this time and Davis knew that. He gave it to her. Let's let him finish without an audience." He pulled my hand so we returned to the house.

Finish without an audience? It seemed a silly statement since they were out in the open, but the ranch hands had all returned to their work. No one was about but Garrett and me. He led me up to the house and Tagg met us at the porch, handing both of us a glass of lemonade.

"Davis is fucking her now. They won't be too much longer," Garrett said, updating his brother.

"I heard her orgasm from here," Tagg said, just before a second scream rent the air.

If I'd been unmarried, I would have thought a woman was hurt by the sound, but now I knew what a scream of pleasure sounded like. I'd emitted many myself.

"Davis wouldn't hurt her, Sarah." Garrett's words weren't convincing.

"He let those men take her," I reminded them both.

After taking a long swallow, Garrett added, "If you continue to doubt, just wait. You can ask Olivia yourself."

It was only a few minutes later when Davis and Olivia came around the house to join us. Olivia's dark hair hung long down her back. Her skin was flushed, yet it was obvious by the soft smile, half lidded eyes and the way Davis had an arm wrapped securely around her shoulder, she was well pleasured. Davis had the same look of male satisfaction as I frequently saw on my own men's faces after a good fucking.

"Taggart and Garrett are here, love, and they brought us a surprise. This is Sarah, their wife."

Obviously, Davis knew that the Erickssons claimed a bride together. It might be a secret with the town, but not this neighbor.

Olivia smiled broadly and murmured a polite hello.

I, on the other hand, was a complete idiot. There was no help for it because I was staring, very blatantly, at her breasts. The weights that I'd seen dangling before were gone, but round hoops remained. Her nipples were pierced! While I knew some women found it fashionable to pierce their ears and display jewelry from their lobes, I'd never imagined a nipple adorned thusly. The hoops were gold and less than an inch in diameter. Her nipples were puffy and tinged red, most likely from the painful weights.

"They were a surprise to me at first as well," Olivia said, which had my head jerking up. All three men were eyeing me.

I felt my cheeks flame. "I'm so sorry, but I've never seen--"

The other woman held up her hand. "It's all right. I would have stared as well if I were you. Would it be all right if Sarah and I sat inside out of the sun?" Olivia asked her husband.

He nodded and she went up the steps onto the porch. I followed her, but glanced back at my husbands. They, too, nodded their approval. I didn't have much choice but to go with Olivia. I might have been isolated on the ranch without many rules, but I did have some manners. Just not when nipple rings were involved.

I carried my glass with me and waited as Olivia filled her own, before leading me into a comfortable sitting area. She directed me to a cushioned seat while she took one next to me. "Congratulations on your marriage," she said congenially.

"Thank you." I took a sip of my lemonade.

"I would have liked to have met you at a different time, as that probably wasn't the best way to introduce myself, but that is not to be." She looked up at me warily. Her blue eyes were cautious and I could see she felt fear I would reject her for what I saw.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic