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I saw Garrett undoing the button on her skirt before tugging the fabric down over her hips to pool around her lower legs. Yanking on her hips, he lifted them up so she was on her knees, ass up. This had her head lowering farther onto my cock until I was practically bumping the back of her throat.

Garrett pulled out his cock and filled her without any preamble and she screamed around me. The vibrations of this muffled sound had me close to coming. Once he was seated completely, he reached around and filled his hands with her breasts. "Now that you are married, your body is recognizing that you belong to us. Your ass wants to be filled. Your pussy is all but dripping for our cocks. Your mouth needs to taste our seed. Your breasts need to be fondled. You're going to come for us. Right now, Sarah, because your body knows we're in charge."

Just like the good girl she was, she came on command, her eyes closing as she held herself still, my cock resting on her tongue as she came. Her hips wiggled, but could she could barely move being held in place between both our bodies. Once she settled, she returned to sucking my cock, this time with a little extra vigor, as if the orgasm made her voracious.

Garrett began to move again, fucking her pussy as I fucked her mouth. Her innocent licks, her naive shift of her hips had both of us coming faster than usual. I lifted my hips as I came, filling her mouth with my seed, watching her swallow it down like a working girl at Rose's brothel. Garrett's grip on her hips tightened as he buried himself in her as he came.


We didn't put a plug in her ass right away. It was important to have her filled and stretched, but it was crucial to pace the training well, especially now that she was in heat. And because of this, it was time to transition her to fill her ass herself, to have her consciously want to fill it, not because we demanded it. This would help train her mind to see that what we wanted of her was acceptable and pleasurable. With this adjustment, when her ass was finally ready for a cock, she'd ask for it because she'd submitted mind and body.

Tagg and I ate large portions of our dinner, our hunger elevated from the pre-meal fucking. Sarah ate as well, but she squirmed in her chair and her nipples remained hard. We skipped putting her skirt back on her, so she was practically naked as she ate.

"I'm concerned about your nipples, Sarah," I said, having a drink of water.

Her green eyes met mine before glancing down her body. "Why?"

"They're still hard and they look sore."

"I...I can't help touching them," she replied, just before putting a piece of roast in her mouth and chewing.

"It feels so good, doesn't it?" Tagg asked.

She nodded, although concern was evident on her face, clearly afraid we'd spank her again.

"Show us."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "You're not mad?"

"Quite the opposite, in fact," I replied. "I loved watching you touch them when we fucked you in the tack room. Show us, Sarah."

Putting down her fork and knife, she glanced down her body, then tentatively lifted her hands and began to play with her very pink nipples.

I leaned back in my chair and watched, learning how she did it and what made her feel good.

Tagg stood, went to retrieve the ointment and returned, taking the lid off for her. "Here, baby. When they get chafed when you play with them, use a little ointment."

She dipped her small fingers into the jar, then smeared the slick ointment onto each nipple.

Working them with her thumb and forefinger, she leaned back in her chair, relaxing into her actions.

"Now that you've grown somewhat accustomed to the plug, you'll put one in yourself from now on."

Her eyes were foggy with desire, her brain sluggish. "But...but I was disobedient for taking it out when you said not to," she countered, a frown marring her delicate features.

"True, but you were spanked for disobeying us, not for anything else. We'll give you a plug of our choosing, and you will take it in and out at your discretion. But you'll need to spend some time fucking your ass with it, keeping it in for longer and longer durations as part of your training. On occasion, we'll have you lift your skirt to show us that it's in, or you'll put it in while we watch so we know you can take it."

"What if it's too difficult?" she asked.

"You'll have the ointment to coat it and prepare your ass, which should be all you need. It will take time, Sarah, for you to work them in. There's no rush to do so," Tagg added.

"As for the pill, you'll only need one if we find you're not slick enough." Her arousal was strong without the pill and we didn't want her falsely needy. We only needed the pill to help break through her mental barriers, although we certainly wanted to keep the option available if that changed. Most brides in Liberty took a pill daily so they were constantly and permanently aroused. It allowed for a deeper level of submission, but for Sarah, submitting to such extremes wasn't a requirement for either Tagg or me. Taking both of us at once was ample. For now, and most likely permanently, the ointment would be all she'd need to make her ass slick and offer a slight nudge to her arousal.

"You may come anytime you wish, whether we are with you or not," Tagg added, his look intent and clear. "Anywhere."

Her eyes drifted open. "May I come now?"

"Can you come from just playing with your nipples?" Tagg asked, his brow arched.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic