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Contentment coursed through me. That was short lived though when he held up the plug.

"I couldn't sit in the water with it in," I explained.

Tagg shook his head. "Didn't we say you were to always have it in you?"

"Yes, but --"

"We would have considered removing it for you if you'd asked."

"Come out of there, Sarah," Tagg said, his voice low and his look stern.

I pushed off the rocks and stood, water sluicing down my legs. Carefully, I climbed out of the creek to stand before them.

Bending down, Tagg put his shoulder into my belly and my world flipped upside down. He'd picked me up and was carrying me over his shoulder! I could see Garrett walking beside us carrying my discarded clothes.

Instead of returning to the house as I first suspected, we entered the stable. The air inside was cool, the light dim in comparison to outside and the scent of horses and hay were strong. I was turned upright and Tagg held onto my arm as I gained my balance. We were in the tack room. The walls were covered in harnesses, reins and other equine paraphernalia. Why we were in here was something I questioned.

"Did we, or did we not tell you that you would always be filled with either a plug or our cocks?" Tagg asked. With the two men looming over me, the room seemed much smaller.

"Yes," I replied warily.

"Yet you chose to remove the plug yourself," Garrett added.

As it was not stated as a question, it did not deem a reply. I pursed my lips in a small act of defiance.

"Put your hands on the edge of the table, Sarah," Tagg demanded. I turned and looked at the high table that abutted one of the walls. It appeared to be used while working on the leather items. Tools hung on hooks above the wood surface for easy accessibility.

I did as requested, my hands holding firmly to the wood.

Garrett grabbed my hips and pulled them back so I was bent at the waist. Before I had a chance to wonder why I was in this position, Tagg's hand came down and struck my ass. Hard. I bucked at the sting against my bare flesh and cried out.

"When you are disobedient, you are spanked," Garrett warned.

Smack. Smack.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out.

"Yes, I'm sure you are. When you remove the plug, the longer it will take for your body to make adjustments to handle both our cocks. If we took your ass now, we'd surely hurt you. The plug is for you. For your protection. Ultimately, for your pleasure," Tagg told me, directly prior to another strike of his palm.

After a few more well- placed strikes of Tagg's palm, I gave up the fight against them, my shoulders slumping, my head dropping down between my stretched arms. There was nothing I could do but accept the spanking because I'd been wrong. If they truly intended to fuck my ass, then I needed them to do what they thought best to do it correctly. They were both very large and I couldn't fathom them entering my ass without preparation. But if I knew I could take a large plug, then my fears would be abated. They were thinking of me, and I'd only been selfish.

The spanking continued, targeting different areas on my ass and the tops of my thighs while I cried. I cried not just from hurt, but also over my lack of control, over how everything was being planning for me without my knowledge. I had to rely on them to do what was best and that was most difficult.

Finally Tagg stopped, his hand running soothingly over my ass. "Stay as you are, Sarah."

"I'm sorry I didn't heed your words. I'm not accustomed to being dictated by others." I looked down at the floor.

"Your father forced you to stay on the ranch for years. That's an impressive mandate," Garrett countered.

"Yes, but that was it." My voice was breathy from being upside down. "Even though Devney was there, I had to take care of myself. No one told me what I could or couldn't do, as long as I stayed at home."

"Now you have two men who know what's best," Tagg replied as his hand grazed over my pussy.

I stiffened and gasped, the touch a complete surprise.

"She's soaking wet, brother. She likes a good spanking."

I shook my head in disagreement. "No, I don't like being spanked."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic