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"Your body says otherwise, baby," Garrett murmured as he bent forward to get a close look at my pussy. I could see him, even with my head facing the floor.

Tagg picked something up from the table, moved back behind me. "The plug was to remain in until dinnertime. Since you've been disobedient and to ensure you don't remove it over the course of the day while we are working, you'll wear a new harness."

I stood up at his words, looked to both men. "What? No! We're married. You've already taken my maidenhead."

"This one is different. Bend back over, baby," Tagg said. When I didn't move, he arched one brow as if he was asking me if I wished to defy him again or not. My ass stung and was fiery hot from the spanking. I didn't know if I could sit down as it was; more would have been intolerable.

When I had returned to holding the edge of the table, my ass pushed back, Tagg squatted down into my field of vision. He placed a leather harness on the floor at my feet. "This is only to keep a plug in your ass to ensure you can't take it out. Lift."

He took my ankle and gently lifted one loop of the harness around my foot. He did the same with the other and slowly slid it up my legs until at knee level.

Garrett knelt next to him and dipped his fingers into the jar of ointment he held. It was then that I noticed the differences in this harness compared to the one they found me in. This had a large plug affixed to it, the largest I'd seen yet. Longer and thicker than the one I'd removed myself, there was no taper to this one. Since it was attached to the leather, no handle was needed to keep it from sinking into me. Garrett coated it thoroughly, then stood. I could only see his legs as I felt him prodding the entrance of my ass.

"Another pill, baby, then we'll put the plug in."

I felt his fingers working back there and I started to pant as he worked the pill in. This time I took it more easily; I was clearly adjusting to it, although it still wasn't remotely enjoyable.

He didn't push it in, but placed it just past my tight ring of muscle. Tagg worked the leg straps of the harness up my legs until I felt the plug nudging me. Someone's fingers - I couldn't tell whose - worked the plug up and into me. This time, not only did I have to breathe through it, I could feel my skin heating and perspiration beading on my brow. Even though I tried to relax, my body fought it involuntarily.

The tip made it past my entrance and bumped the pill. Slowly, the plug was worked in, pushing the pill deeply into me as it went. The stretch of this plug was so much greater than the previous one. How could I ever handle their cocks if this was so...impressive? Further and further it went in and I shifted my hips to adjust to being filled so fully. The cool leather of the harness brushed against my ass, and I knew it was in all the way. I tried to clench down, to close up, but the width of the plug prevented it. How was I expected to function when I could think of nothing else?

Hands fumbled with the belt about my waist but I was too distracted to care. I grunted as I tried, again and again, to work the plug free. It was no use, and my mind knew that, but my body wanted to reject it.

A finger slipped once again through my folds and I could feel the wetness my traitorous body made. "You may stand," Tagg told me.

Releasing the white knuckled grip I had on the table, I slowly stood, shifting my hips to find a comfortable position.

I turned to face the men, shame

faced - ashamed that I needed to be punished, yet even more ashamed to have discovered I liked it. I may not want it, but my body most certainly enjoyed it. I looked down at the harness. This one was different. I could see the little thatch of red hair the men had not shaved. Below that, my pussy lips were visible. Two thin leather straps ran along the creases of my thighs and kept me completely exposed. The harness was solely to prevent me from taking the plug from my ass. This meant, as I learned from the fingers brushing my sensitive folds, that I was completely open and available for fucking.

When hands grabbed me by the waist and lifted me gently upon the table, I squeaked in surprise. It was promptly followed by a gasp as the plug pushed in deeper.

"Lie back," Garrett commanded.

Both men stood directly in front of me. So tall, so broad, so imposing. Why was I so intensely attracted to them when they spanked me? When they shoved a huge plug up my ass? They were right again; my body wanted them, wanted to see what they would do to me next. That tingling in my nipples spread so that my breasts were heavy and aching for them to be touched. The wetness seeping from my pussy was hot on my thighs and the thing they called my clit pulsed.

Garrett placed one hand between my breasts and slowly pushed me to lie back. I hissed when my skin came in contact with the cool wood.

Without preamble, Tagg adjusted my legs so that my feet rested on the edge of the table as my hands had, nudged them wide apart and tugged my hips so that my ass was right at the edge.

"You were playing with your breasts and tugging your nipples when we found you in the water. Are they extra sensitive, baby?" Tagg asked, looming.

I couldn't lie. Not like this, so open, so exposed. It was as if they could not only see my body, but all the way into my mind. My soul.

"Yes. They...ache."

A tick pulsed in Tagg's jaw and his passion-filled gaze lowered to my tightly furled nipples.

"Touch them. Play with them. Show us what feels good."

I couldn't resist. The urge to ease the tingling need had me cupping my breasts, nudging the tips with my thumbs. My eyes slipped closed as I focused on how good it felt.

"Open your eyes, Sarah," Garrett said, breaking my reverie. "Keep touching yourself, baby."

"This harness is only to ensure the plug stays in your ass." Tagg undid his belt, opened the placket of his pants as he spoke, his cock springing free. His fingers ran through my folds and slipped inside of me. "As you can see, your pussy is completely exposed and we can fuck you anytime we choose."

"And we choose right now," Garrett added. "No, don't stop tugging on those pink nipples."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic