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"I'm always hard around you, Sarah, and I doubt this will change. I know Tagg is in the same predicament."

Grabbing the nearest chair, I swung it about so I could sit, my legs settling wide to accommodate my raging cock. "As we tend to you, you must tend to this." I pointed between my legs.

"How?" she whispered, her eyes transfixed.

"Suck me off." When she just looked at me in confusion, I added, "Kneel between my legs and take my cock in your mouth."

I could see her thinking, but it was not the time for her to question.

"Now, Sarah."

Stepping forward, she placed a hand on my knee and did as I requested, her skirt pooling about her.

"I...I don't know how."

"Lick the head. See that, I'm already dripping for you." Clear liquid seeped from the tip in anticipation.

Kneeling up, she leaned forward, her tongue darting out to flick over the very tip, lapping up the wetness.

I hissed and my hips bucked involuntarily. "Take more, Sarah. Take the whole head in your mouth."

Opening her mouth wide, she fed herself the plum shaped crown. Her mouth was so hot, wet and snug and when her tongue circled around, I almost came. The sizzling need to fill her mouth with my seed was so intense.

"Now take me to the back of your throat," I growled.

Her eyes lifted to meet mine while her lips were stretched broadly around me. I could see the thick veins running up the length of my cock and as she lowered herself, they disappeared into her mouth.

"Good, Sarah. You're doing such a good job." My words were half groan, half gruff. I placed my palm on her head to guide her, but she didn't need much instruction. Somehow, she just knew what to do to bring me to orgasm. Or it could have been the novelty of having my wife suck me that had me coming.

As her eyes watered from my cock so far back in her mouth, I came, roaring at the intense pleasure that had my balls drawing up tight and shooting stream after stream of cum into her mouth. Her throat worked to take it all, swallowing it down as best she could. When I finally recovered, she pulled back, a drop of my thick seed at the corner of her mouth.

Leaning forward, I rubbed at it with my thumb, collecting it. "Open."

I slipped the tip of my thumb in and she sucked me clean.


I was given some time to myself when Garrett joined Tagg in the stable. He had pointed out the creek that meandered behind the building, so I set out to enjoy the fine weather. It went against every bit of personal ethics to walk about with my breasts exposed. The sensation was strange, and I often caught a glimpse of them and surprised myself. A tingling sensation was constant in my nipples, but I refused to tell either man. I didn't know what it meant, didn’t know whether it was brought about

by the fucking or having them uncovered, but I wasn't prepared to ask. I had no idea the consequences of such a statement, so for the moment I kept the feeling to myself.

The tingling, however, made me want to touch my nipples, and I tightened my hands into fists to avoid doing so, at least until I was away from prying eyes. As I walked - very slowly and thoughtfully with the plug shifting in my ass -I considered my body. My pussy was sore from their claiming me. There was no doubt that was what it was. My ass? Well, they had made their dominance in that area clear. My entire body for that matter. What other explanation was there for having my breasts exposed?

I came full circle in my thoughts. I made it to the creek, which was filled with small boulders, the water meandering deep in spots, shallow in others. Undoing my laces on my boots, I removed them along with my stockings before dipping my toe in. I longed to take a dip. The ointment I'd applied after the noon meal had been soothing, but I knew the cool water would feel incredible against my tender flesh.

Glancing about, I confirmed I was alone. From the vehemence of the men's words, they would not have allowed me to wander their land with my body exposed as it was if there were others about. Confident in this, I undid my skirt and let it fall to the ground. Reaching behind me, I felt for the wide handle of the plug. It needed to come out so I could sit properly. Once again scanning the land surrounding me, I grabbed hold and worked the plug free. I couldn't help but wince and exhale once it was removed. Placing it carefully on my skirt, I tiptoed into the water in just my blouse and corset--I couldn't undo them myself, which meant I was all but naked.

The water was cold against my feet and ankles. Finding a deeper pocket, I waded in up to my knees. Kneeling down, I hissed as the water made contact with my pussy and ass. Using my hands, I lowered myself all the way, the water moving around my hips and thighs. Closing my eyes, I savored the bliss of such a simple activity. I even let myself give in to the need to cup my breasts, let my thumbs brush over my nipples. I'd never touched myself like this before, in such an illicit manner. I didn't care, however, because it felt so good. Had I been missing out on this all along? Had I held my breasts, tugged on my nipples, would I have felt it all the way down my body to my pussy?

Time stood still as I sat in the creek. The sun was warm, the water cool and my breasts so sensitive. I paid no attention to anything but how my body felt. And because of this, I did not hear either of my husbands as they came upon me.

"You seem to have a desire for the water," Tagg said.

My eyes flew open and gasped as they caught me by surprise, with my hands on my breasts.

"The...water is soothing for my...pussy."

Garrett nodded. "I'm proud of you for using the right word."

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic