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I heard Tagg groan behind me. "Go," he said, his voice rough. "I'll fuck her if I stay. I'll take care of the chores, you take care of her." I heard him stomp off in the direction of the stable while I followed my bride.

I found Tessa placing her hot plate laden with breakfast on the table, her hand protected from the stove's heat by a cloth. Pulling out the chair, she stared at the hard wood seat.

"When you sit, lean forward slightly," I offered.

Moving around the chair, she lowered herself slowly, then quickly leaned forward. I could tell she'd found a comfortable position when her shoulders relaxed. I, however, was tense as a barbed wire fence. With every breath, her breasts barely missed brushing the wooden surface of the table, for when she made adjustments to sit without weight on the plug in her ass, it shifted her breasts forward so that they looked on offer as part of the meal. If they were any larger, they would most assuredly dip into her food.

"Would you like some coffee?" I asked.

"Please," she replied, opening her biscuit to smear on some honey from a jar at the center of the table, all the while sitting as daintily and cautiously as possible. It would take some time, but she would adjust. Once we started fucking her ass, she might not require a plug at all times. Most husbands in Liberty required their wives to have either a plug or a cork -just a wooden ring that kept her ass stretched but not filled - at all times, but they only had one cock to offer. Tagg and I would be able to pleasure both of her holes at the same time, therefore maintaining her ass by our cocks alone. The long term use of a plug was something we could consider as time went by. For now, the plug stayed in.

I pulled out my own chair and sat across from her, watching her breasts. What man could resist looking at his wife's breasts so invitingly on display, with pink tipped nipples just begging to be licked and sucked. How did any husband get anything accomplished during the course of the day?

"Are you sore?" I asked, my voice gruff.

Her eyes met and held mine. "I beg your pardon?" She wasn't asking to delay, but truly didn't understand the reason for my question.

"Your pussy. We fucked you three times and took your maidenhead," I clarified rather bluntly. "Are you sore?"

Now she flushed and angled her face away.

"There are no secrets about your body, Sarah."

"Yes, I'm a little sore." With her head tilted, she looked at me from beneath her lashes.

I stood, went to the counter and brought back a small jar of ointment. "After breakfast, spread some ointment on your pussy. Work some up inside you as well. That should help."

Her head lowered even more, but I could see the flush creep down her neck and spread across her breasts.

"Eat. Please. I won't speak further to distract you from your meal."

I kept my word, remaining in companionable silence as she cleaned her plate, standing once to refill her coffee, although the jar of ointment sat upon the table between us.

Once finished, I took her plate and placed it beside the sink pump, then turned to her. "Use the ointment, Sarah. I don't want you hurting."

She stood, picked up the jar. "I can assume that I won't be doing this in private."

"You are smart in your assumption," I replied, just waiting to see if she'd be contrary or comply.

She took a deep breath, her breasts lifting. Hell, the torture of her body was intolerable. I was going to come down my leg like a randy teenager just by ogling her.

Removing the lid, she reached down and lifted up her long skirt, her other hand dipping into the ointment.

"Put your foot up on the chair," I directed.

Her green eyes lifted to mine briefly before she complied. Her leg was completely exposed, a decadent and tempting pose. Her pussy was hidden and just watching her hand go between her thighs beneath her ruched skirt. Knowing she was touching herself was incredibly erotic. I handed her a cloth and she wiped her fingers as she lowered her leg.


She nodded.

"You may think you have lost control of your body to us, but you aren't the only one."

Her brow wrinkled in confusion.

I undid my belt and opened the placket on my pants, my cock springing free. A sigh escaped. It was a great relief to have my cock free of the confines.

"Oh," she gasped, staring blatantly at my cock.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic